Chapter 47

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Hey guys! This chapter will be based on the episode "Trust". As usual, some scenes and dialogue may change due to the character Black Dahlia. Enjoy!


That was all anyone could possibly do nowadays. Run, run, run and never stop running until your life is spared.

The Wildebeest ran for his life as the deadly Madam Rouge chased him down, with no mercy redeeming her thin frame. He ran forever, in hopes of finding help nearby, or an escape route, whichever came first.

As if his hopes were answered, Wildebeest quickly ran farther away from Madam Rouge on the canyon cliffs, ducking away into a hiding spot. Flipping his communicator open, Wildebeest hoped, prayed that a familiar face, any face, would show up on the little screen.

There was nothing but silence.

Silence, until someone grabbed his arm. Had it not been for her voice, he would have attacked immediately.

"Wildebeest. It's okay," the Black Dahlia's brown eyes crinkled, as they bore deeply into Wildebeest's with a hidden smile, "you're going to be okay." Her compulsion relaxed him, and she was gone with the wind, bringing along a new figure.

Madam Rouge had found Wildebeest, and the chase began yet again.

Wildebeest ran for his life, barely escaping the elongating arms of Madam Rouge. He outran her, that is, until he reached the end of the cliff. Boiling with heaps of frustration, Wildebeest cried out, immediately getting the attention of none other than Robin.

"Robin to Wildebeest. Do you read me? Come in, over."

As the Wildebeest prepared to answer Robin's call, he turned around, already knowing he was doomed. The Black Dahlia was nowhere in sight. Just Madam Rouge, who attacked him, knocking the communicator out of his hands, and off the cliff.

"Answer me! Wildebeest!!!" Robin's cries were cut off as the communicator shattered to pieces, and Madam Rouge failed to grab it in time.

Her abnormally outstretched arm shrank back to normal size as she stood on top of the cliff, with the Black Dahlia beside her, and Wildebeest at her feet.

"Nice job with the communicator, Rouge," she commented sarcastically, rolling her eyes at the older woman.

"We have another target, Dahlia. We must get going."

Pesky, stuck up witch, Black Dahlia thought, as they hauled off Wildebeest, already planning their next move.


(Black Dahlia's POV)

"Madam Rouge to Brain."

I stood far, far away as I heard the Brain give Madam Rouge the okay. I was shadowing and assisting - the discrete mind compulsion on Madam Rouge and Monsieur Mallah sure got me in quite the high ranks and convinced the Brain I was worth these stupid missions instead of the sidelines.

"Your target is within reach."

My ears picked up on the commotion, criminal activity that Hot Spot was already on top of as he chased down the thief.

"He is so close, I can feel it."

"Remember, your objective is the communicator, not the Titan. We don't want a mistake like last time." I laughed at her lack of precision. Who on earth does she think she is? I'm horrible for letting an honorary Titan get into trouble but this Rouge lady seriously needs to get her head out of her gutter if she thinks she can win.

But hey, I'll go along for the ride on the inside if it means I take down every one of these buffoons.

"I am still not understanding why we go after these honorary Titans instead of Robin and his companions?"

Teen Titans: The Eternal vs. Mortal Love Story - Book Oneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن