Chapter 4

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Bridgit P.O.V

I'm in the shower thinking whether or not to cut. I'm just sitting there when I heart the door fly open. I look and it's Liam

"What are you doing" I yelled at him

"I thought you were hurt or something"

"Uh I'm fine my chest just hurts it feels like I'm getting a cold"

"Oh I'm sorry well when you get out I'll have a cup of tea ready for you sorry"

"It's fine I'll be right out"

Liam shuts the door and I turn off the water and I start drying myself off. Did Niall tell him? Is that why Liam bursts in? I put my hair in a very messy bun and rapped a towel around myself and walked in the kitchen. I heard the boys talking then all eyes on me I look back

"What you've seen me like this before it's not a big shocker" then I walk get the cup of tea take a sip put it back down and head to Liam's room to change. I stayed in there for along time reading my book. I look at my phone and it's 10:00 PM i think it's time for "The Notebook"

"Who wants to watch a movie!!!"

I pop it into the DVD player and hit play I scoot between Liam and Niall. I put my head on Liam's chest cause I was a little tired from all the crying this morning. I just started thinking if Niall told him. I've know all the boys for a long time and they are just like my brothers. Would he do that. I switch my position and put my head on Liam's lap and my legs on Niall. I was almost asleep till Harry started to tickle my feet.

"Stop harry" I said while laughing a little but getting a little annoyed

"Haha ok fine I'll stop" he said while laughing then I went to sleep

Nialls P.O.V

Bridgit was almost asleep and I really wanted to tell Liam but I can't. I just can't. I looked at my phone and it's already 11:00 and then Bridgits hand flops down causing her phone to drop. It vibrated several times. I causally dropped my phone beside hers and picked them both up. Thank goodness we both have the same color phone. I look and there are more hate messages. unlock the phone and deleted them so she wouldn't find them. If she saw what they put she would have wanted to cut herself.

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