Rebooted Part 2 Chapter 9: The Journey Begins

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Previously on Dimension Holders:
"Now, it's time to end this." The Destroyer smiled. Nathan bent over to team RWBY and JNPR and began whispering to them his plan. "We have to help my brother before it's too late."
"Ichika...what has he done to you!" Ichika punched me across the arena. My friends. Sensei. I'm sorry. I've failed you all.
"NOOOOOOO!" I heard Nathan and Lloyd scream.

Darkness surrounded me as I was breathing heavily. Suddenly a blue flame appeared showing the Destroyer tearing New Ninjago City to the ground while laughing. His Nindroid army was fighting Lloyd and my brother Nathan. "Don't hurt them." I spoke quietly. I could hardly speak and my body was unable to move. That flame disappeared and another one appeared showing the the IS dimensions citizens with metal pieces on the right side of their faces like Ichika. The pieces were controlling them. They were the next portion of the Destroyer's army.

"Wake up boy." I heard a deep voice speak. "I need to speak to you." My body flew up and I groaned in pain as I strained my still injured body. I saw that I now sat up on a couch.

"Where am I?" I spoke quietly to myself.

"Oh thank goodness you're up!" A young boys voice came from right besides me. I turned to see a small boy with black curly hair and a red shirt with a star on it about half a foot from my face. I let out a slight yelp and slammed against the wall, hurting myself more and groaning a bit afterwards. Is this the guy that I heard in my dream? If so why the different voice? "Sorry didn't mean to scare you." The boy apologized. "I'm Steven." Steven put out his hand wishing for me to shake it. I only starred at him with a terrified look on my face. For all I know as soon as I shake that hand I'll burn up into a billion little pieces of ash or I'll become some sort of mutant creature. "Not much of a hand shaker huh?" He frowned. I shook my head and tried to speak but couldn't for some reason.

I tried standing up off of the couch but couldn't. I was to weak. Steven quickly grabbed me and help me up. In return I gave him a thumbs up to thank him. "Heh heh. You're welcome." He smiled. Ok he's touched me and none of the bad things I thought of have happened to me at least not yet. "You're not an alien are you? You crashed on to our beach out of nowhere so I feel like you might be." I shook my head as he slowly helped me up. "Can you speak?" He asked me kindly.

"Yeah. I can speak. Where am I?"

"Beach city, my home." Steven smiled at me. "Where's your home?"

"Not here." I sighed. "Hey can you take me to that spot I crashed in?"

"Sure I can."

"Perfect. I feel like there might be a way for me to get back home if I check it out." Steven helped carry me out of his house, down the stairs and to the spot at the beach where I crash landed. I looked around the little crater I made to see if there was anything out of the ordinary. There was nothing. Maybe if I try to use my energy powers it might detect something I thought to myself. My right hand pointed  towards the crater and with all my might I tried to use my powers but to no avail. I guess the Destroyer really did get all my powers.

"Well?" Steven questioned me.

"I can't do anything. I've got none of my powers left." Dropping to my knees I let out an angered sigh. "The Destroyer had to take my powers didn't he!?" I yelled. "Oh look at me I'm the Destroyer." I began to imitate of what I thought about the Destroyer. "I like ruining everyone's day and am the biggest buzzkill in all the universe. The bee movie is my favorite thing in all of existence."

Dimension Holders Book 2: RebootedWhere stories live. Discover now