Rebooted Part 2 Chapter 11: Castle Clash

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Alarms sounded across the Castle of Lions as the Nindroids ships began firing at us. "Man your battle stations you two!" Coran ordered Allura and Shiro. Allura and Coran rushed to their defensive stations and immediately began to use the castle defenses to fire back at the Nindroid ships. Coran pushed a button on his control panel which engaged the castle's shields. I slowly walked up next to Coran to watch them while still having a little pain flow through me.

Inside one of the Nindroid ships, Tatenashi was commanding the attack. "Focus your fire on the left side of their ship." she ordered the Nindroid fleet. The Nindroid fighters grouped together and flew around to the location Tatenashi commanded them to.

"Ninety percent power to port side Coran!" Allura ordered. Coran quickly typed commands into his console to increase the power of the shield on the left side of the ship. The Nindroid fighters began bombarding the Castle of Lions with their weapons but to no effect. Tatenashi smiled from her ship, we had quickly fallen right into her trap. The Nindroid fighters were just a distraction.

A large canon formed on the front of her ship which was pointed right at the bridge of the castle. A large red light started to form from it, as it was getting ready to fire at us. "Princess, port side shields at twenty-five percent! They have us pinned!" Coran panicked. The Nindroid fighters continued bombarding the castle's left side with their blaster fire.

Tatenashi's canon began to fire a large blast at the castle's bridge. "Coran, focus all power on the bridge shields quickly!" Allura shouted. Coran quickly did so as the blast of power struck the castle.

"Board them," Tatenashi commanded the Nindroids. Out from her ship came several dropships carrying squadrons of Nindroids. The dropships began to speed up as they flew toward the castle and in an instance, they pierced the castle's hull. Nindroids quickly began offloading to hunt me down within the castle. A single dropship followed shortly after the others. It was Tatenashi's personal ship. It soon had breached the castle's hull as well.

Smoke billowed out of the ship as its doors opened. Out walked Tatenashi; a purpose in her possessed eyes to hunt me down. Tatenashi looked around at her new surroundings, intrigued with the ship's layout. "Find Hunter and eliminate him." She ordered the Nindroid army over her comms.

The cameras of the castle picked up the Nindroid's beginning to scatter across the castle in hunt of me. Coran began swapping from camera view to camera view, with almost every camera showing the Nindroids running around the ship. "We've got to protect the kid!" Shiro spoke to the others. Without hesitation, he got up from his station and exited the bridge to go fight the Nindroids.

"I'm going too!" I told them. I turned around and ran out of the room.

"But you're injured, you can't!" Princess Allura said to me.

"Injured, not helpless!" I retorted halfway down the hallway.

Shiro, still ahead of me, ran down a corridor where he was met with several Nindroids. Charging at them, his robotic right arm began to change into a pinkish color. He raised his arm and stuck one of the Nindroids with it. A ring of energy emerged from that hit, knocking me down as I turned the corner to meet Shiro and making my head smack against the floor. As I sat up rubbing the back of my head, I saw Shiro with his arm still in the same spot he struck the Nindroid, but the Nindroid was unscathed. Shiro's eyes widened. A chuckle left the Nindroids mouth as it pulled a fist back and punched Shiro in the gut, sending him all the way down the hallway and on top of me.

Shiro moved as fast as he could off me, allowing me to get up as well. The Nindroids then noticed me. "It's Hunter!" One of them shouted. "Blast him!" The Nindroids raised their blasters and began to shoot at Shiro and I. Using my Techno Blade, I blocked a few shots.

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