#13: Hawaii!

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I fiddle with the food on my plate, my mind itching to ask him. Finally, I go for it.


"Mm?" He stops chewing and looks at me.

"Why did you ask me out?"

"Because my girlfriend bailed out on our date at the last second and I'd already made reservations?" He suppresses a smirk and tries to act innocent.

I roll my eyes at him. "Very funny." I reach out and hold his hand. "Babe, seriously...you said you've been having a busy week. Why did you have to take me out?"

He sighs and drops his fork. He squeezes my hand and says, "Because I've been a jerk. I've been a jerk these past few days and haven't given you the attention you deserve. So this is a small way to make up for it."

I look at him, immobile, transfixed by the emotion in his eyes.

"This isn't just it" He continues. "This is just the beginning"

I nod and smile at him.

After dinner, we go to a tiny little ice cream parlor across the park.

"Chocolate?" He asks.

"With extra syrup!!" I jump on my heels.

He chuckles and orders two.

We walk down the edge of the park eating our ice creams. It's cold and breezy, but I love it.

"You enjoying the weather?" He breaks the silence between us.


"What about summer?"

"I love it too" I say honestly.


"You know what? Hawaii is pretty good all year round in my opinion." He continues.

"Maybe. I've heard it's beautiful" I reply.

"Nothing compared to you. But yeah...it's okay"

"Making a comeback with cheesy one liners?" I taunt.

"Should have known they won't work on you." He grins.

"It kinda did" I wink at him. I finish my ice cream and slip my arm into his.

"Hey...let's go" He whispers in my ear.


"Let's go to Hawaii"

"Cut it out. Don't mess with me"

"I'm not kidding" He suddenly stops and turns to face me.


"Say yes please"

"I have work"

"Can't you try to free yourself for just the weekend atleast?"

"I could..." My voice falters as I consider the possibility.

"Then let's do it!" He shakes me excitedly.




"Okay!!" He picks me up and kisses me. "I love you Katherine Summit. I've loved you since the first day we met."

I stare at him wide eyed.

"I'm sorry" He shrugs. Suddenly his hands fall to his sides and he focuses his gaze on the pavement. "It would have been more romantic in Hawaii, but I just had to tell you."

"I love you too" I realise what I said after I said it.

He hugs me tightly. "I'm glad Janet was busy that day." He chuckles.

"And I'm glad you were the replacement" I giggle.

"Ay! 'Replacement'...? More like your 'Knight in Shining armour'"

"Don't you think we've had enough cheesy dialogues for one night?"

"Yeah...my stomach's full of cliché instances. I don't think I need breakfast tomorrow."


"Ready?" Daniel asks as he takes my suitcase from me.

"Yeah...!" I reply. I put my lipstick in my handbag, and check the rest of the items.
"Ticket...check, mascara...check, loose change...check"

"Anything else?" He smirks as he folds his arms across his chest and patiently waits for me to continue.

"Yeah...desperate boyfriend... check!"

"Come here you!" He lunges and grabs my waist. He tickles me till I apologize and kisses me before we go down. What is it with tickling??

I leave a note on the table and lock the door. I didn't get a chance to tell Kris. He was so busy with his project, I hardly saw him. Even today, he left before I woke up.


The vacation, including the travel, the hotel, the food, the weather, and the whole place, was breathtaking to say the least!!

We enjoyed every single moment that it was the first time I wasn't home-sick. Dan and I grew closer and I fell deeper in love.

"Hey Dan?" I talk into his shoulder with a muffled voice. It's almost time for landing and the whole trip seemed to go by too quick.



He chuckles and kisses me. "Stop thanking me. I should be the one to thank you for coming. And anyway, I hate formalities. I get a huge enough dose at work."

"Okay...by the way, when do you have to go back to work?"

He suddenly tenses and I can feel his pulse rate speed up. "About that...babe, I have to go back to New York. I got another offer. And it's huge."


"And I want you to come with me. Please. I can't live without you."

"But I like it here...and I have my own job!"

"You wouldn't have to work there...my salary could take care of both of us."

"I want to work...I want to be independent."

"Okay...you can work. But, stay with me."

"Babe" I sigh. "If your salary is that huge...then definitely it will demand all your time" tears well up in my eyes.

"Well, it's something that I've always wanted. Work is....is my solace." He frowns, his voice frantic and his hands trembling.

"What about me?" I ask.

He sighs and I join him.

"So this is it?" I ask him.

"It doesn't have to be. Just please think about it."

"I'm sorry I've made my decision"

He gulps. "Okay"

The plane dips and the land below us magnifies within seconds. I've always enjoyed the landing. But this time it terrifies me. I don't want to move. I don't want to get up. I don't want him to go.



The longest chapter so far..! I want to finish this story in as few chapters as I can manage...

And...I need your suggestions please! What do you think? Should she go after green eyes or settle down with grey?? Let me know...

I want to read your answers, so comment below or pm me. I'll give you guys sometime so the next update will be ready by next week or so.


~ Alexis Stone

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