Chapter 3

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We had been driving for hours. I was now sitting in the back with Jade and Mike, Tristan was driving, June was controlling the music from the passenger's seat and the rest was in middle part of the car.

I had no idea where we were going, we had nagged June and Tristan, but neither had budged.

June had just started playing a new song, "Hey June, isn't this by Against The Current?" I asked.

"Yeah, Young & Relentless," she answered, "From their new album."

"Wait, is their album out already?" I asked. 

"Oh my god! You haven't listened to it yet? It's been out for almost two months now."

"Can someone please tell me who or what Against The Current are?" Rich asked.

I told him they were a band on the rise, two guys and a girl.

"I love driving in the dark." I muttered a few minutes later, looking out the window, the sun had already started to set.

We had had a few stops throughout the day, every on or two hours and now it was already late in the evening.

"Don't you fall asleep when it's dark outside?" Rich asked me, "No." I answered, wishing I was sitting next to him, so I could rest my head on his shoulder and stare out the window. Instead I rested my head on my hand and looked up at the moon.


I was getting really tired. I was failing to comprehend why we were still on the road, wouldn't we stop for the night?

Just as I yawned Mike leaned over to me, "You tired?" he asked and I nodded.

"Tris, are we stopping any time soon?" he asked.

Tristan said the same thing he had been saying all day: "Maybe."

"Well, I tried." Mike told me, I gave him a tired smile.

I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, trying to have a snooze.

Honestly, I wasn't sure if I slept, I dozed I guess, but when I opened my eyes we were pulling into a car park and my head was on Mike's shoulder.

"Wake up sleepyhead." he said, slightly nudging my head with his shoulder.

"Where are we?" I asked groggily, rubbing my eyes. Mike just shrugged, but when we neared a building I saw that it said B&B.

Finally, we were actually stopping.

We efficiently got our luggage out of the car and made our way to the reception. They gave us our keys and we took the lift up in turns, because we were lazy like that.

We had four sets of rooms with double beds and they were all in the same hallway which was great.

Alice and I paired up, Nathan and Mike went together, Rich and Jasmine and Tristan and June.

I pushed the door open and walked in, setting my suitcase on the bed. The room was rather small and the bed wasn't amazing, but I assumed it was only for one night.

"You okay?" Alice asked me, sitting on the bed, "Yeah, I'm just really tired."

"Yes, I saw you had a little nap on Mike." She winked at me, "It's not like that, I was sleeping, that doesn't count."

"Whatever you say." she said, making her way to the bathroom.

I decided not to pay any attention to her comment and went to find my pyjamas and my wash bag, which I found easily and I took them out of my suitcase, waiting for Alice to come out of the bathroom so I could have a shower. When she did, she said: "All yours." Making a dramatic bow when I walked passed her.

After I had finished washing my hair and stuff, brushed my teeth and got changed, I walked back out into the room.

Alice was already in bed, on her phone.

"So." she said, I looked at her suspiciously, "What?"

"You and Mike?" She laid her phone on her nightstand, "What about us?" I asked, trying to play dumb, putting my day clothes on a chair.

"Don't play dumb with me Jade Brooks, I saw your face when you woke up. Do you have a thing for Mike?"

Damn it. Did she have to ask that? I was such a bad liar, so I decided to tell the truth. "No."

Alice gave a me a look, "I mean, not any more." This made Alice sit up straight, she patted the empty space next to her and I climbed onto the bed, "Do tell." she said.

"About a year ago, I did have a 'thing' for Mike, but that's faded." I explained, I had no better way of saying it and no more details, so that was it.

Alice was apparently not satisfied with my answer, "So you're saying you'd rather date one of the other boys? Oh god! Don't tell me it's Tris or Rich!" she gasped.

I was shocked, "Of course not! Who do you think I am?" I took a deep breath, "Nathan's really nice I guess.."

Alice burst out laughing and I slapped her arm, "What?"

"Sorry," she laughed, "Nice is just such a pathetic word, you totally have a crush on him!"

"Can you say that a little louder? I'm not sure they heard you in China." I accused, making Alice laugh even louder.

I had to change the subject to get her to stop, "What about you?" I shot back.

"Me and the boys? Ha, no." she answered, "Me and my boyfriend just broke up and I really don't care about relationships at the moment. I just want to be free for a while, you know?"

That had been completely tactless of me, I shouldn't have asked her that, I can't believe I didn't think of her breakup.

"Sorry." I muttered, but I wasn't sure if she heard me.

"You don't know what June's got planned for tomorrow by any chance, do you?" I quickly asked, trying to break the awkward silence.

"I know as much as you do," she answered, "So, nothing." I nodded, lying down on my side of the bed and Alice picked up her phone again.

The light being on apparently didn't matter because I quickly fell asleep.

That night I had a rather strange selection of dreams, I couldn't remember anything exactly, but Nathan and Mike were there and we were back in Jasmine's garden, having a laugh.

Author's Note:

Dedicated to Fangirll19 happy birthday!!

I know this isn't the most exiting chapter, but who liked Jaz's pov? And can I just mention that Against The Current's debut album just came out as I'm writing this and it is sooo good!

Please vote and comment if you want to know what June has planned. This just reminds me so much of writing If You're Not The One, because there she did the whole birthday surprise thing for Jaz.

Oh and I changed all the covers of my books and I a in love with these new ones.

Anyway! XOXO Nina

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