Chapter 12

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Ally's POV

 I continue to cry beneath the carved tree. I here footsteps running towards me, and I know it has to be one of the boys. I don't move.

"Ally!" a boy says and I know the voice so clearly. It's Zayn.

He gets down on the ground and picks me up so I am leaning against him in his lap, his arms wrapped around me.

"What's a matter?" He says holding me tight.

I don't answer, but I stop crying and my breathing returns to normal. I hear more footsteps and turn to see Harry running over.

"Ally!? Are you okay?" he asks.

"Can you go get her some water?" Zayn asks Harry.

Harry nods and starts walking back through the woods to the house.

"Zayn, I am sorry." I say turning to face him and looking into his brown eyes.

"You don't have to be sorry. Let's forget about the past and forgive each other." he says kissing my forehead. I hug him and lay my head on his shoulder.

"What are you doing in the woods?" he asks.

"I wanted to see the rose." I say picking up my head and looking up at the tree.

"I forgot that was here. I can't believe it still looks the same." He says with a small smile.



"Do you think we could ever go back to what we were? I mean we have been through so much and we were so happy when you carved the rose into the tree. Look at us now, it's a mess." I say as we are still holding each other in our arms.

"I don't know. All we can do is try. We will have a lot to talk about, we are not the perfect couple." He says.

"Yeah. We have had quite some problems."

"Why don't we go inside and eat some food, and after we can talk us." He says.

I nod and get off of him, standing up. He brushes the dirt off of his pants before taking my hand in his and leading me back to the house.

It was  a silent walk, but I didn't mind. I felt like my emotions were stable again and I was home. Once we reach the house, Zayn opens the door with our hands still intertwined. All the boys are gathered in the kitchen.

"Here's your water" Harry says handing me a glass, I release my hand from Zayn's as I take a sip.

"Ally!" the rest of the boys say and each of them gives me a hug except for Liam.

"I missed all of you!" I say.

"You missed me the most though, right?" Louis says.

"Of course, I mean you are my favorite" I say.

"I win! I am the favorite!" He says jumping around rubbing it in the boys faces.

"See what you did, we are never going to hear the end of it." Niall says laughing.

"Sorry, I forgot about how he has been trying for years to get me to say he's my favorite. Louis, actually Niall is my favorite because I forgot how great a cook he is." I say. Louis' smile turns to a frown.

"I forgot that you can be so mean..." He says jokingly.

"So Niall what are you going to cook for me?" I say.

"Well one thing hasn't changed, she always wants someone to make her food." Zayn says laughing.

"What? I am hungry." I say sticking my tongue out at him.

Pieces of the Rose (Sequel to I Am Mrs. Malik?)Where stories live. Discover now