Chapter 16

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Harry's POV

The car ride back to the house was quiet. Ally was sitting in the back and I could see in the mirror she was crying. It is so hard to see her like this, I have seen her cry too many times because of him. I know she loves him but when he drinks he is treats her like shit. I would never do that to her.

"Are you okay?" I ask as we pull into the driveway.

"Yeah" She whispers between cries.

"Do you want anything? I can make you dinner if you want." I ask.

"I just want things to be easy for once." She cries.

Louis gets out of the car, probably because he feels really awkward. Neither Ally or I make an effort to get out of the car. I reach for her hand but she pulls away. I crawl into the back seat next to her. She looks out the window, sadness upon her face.

"You know you don't have to stay with him, you have the choice to leave and start a new life with someone else. You don't owe him anything, if anything he owes you." I say looking at the broken girl looking out the window.

"I know but I do love him. If he continues to drink I am not staying with him. I owe it to him to try to change. He still wants me after the hell I put him through. I cheated on him with a bunch of guys and he still loves me. Would you forgive me if I cheated on you?" She mumbled.

"You did cheat on me but I never stopped loving you so I forgave you. I knew you didn't mean to, I knew that you loved me but Zayn was someone that made you feel like you could marry them unlike me. That he could be a person that you would love forever and give you comfort you need. I think you made a mistake because I have been the one to comfort you in all this, the thing with your parents, your brothers and who did you remember when you lost your memory. I have always been here for you even when you would cry yourself to sleep because of Zayn. I have seen you at your worst and still I have never stopped loving you. Ally you deserve someone that doesn't make you cry. You deserve someone like -" I am cut off by her lips pushed against mine.

A smile is on my face when I realize that she still loves me. She pulls away, looking into my eyes. "Can you drive me back to Zayn. I need to tell him that it's over for good. I can't live a lie, this would never work, if we were meant to be he would have changed and he hasn't." She connects our lips again.

"Are you sure? You just started things over with him. I think you should give him a chance." Our lips close.

"I love you Harry. I always have and I know you are the one I am suppose to be with but I choose Zayn. I am sorry for that. I want to make things right. I can't keep going back and forth. It isn't fair." She says a few tears falling down her cheeks.

Using my thumb to wipe the tears away. "I love you but I think you should give Zayn a chance before you decide to be with me. I will always love you no matter what and if you guys do work it out then I will be fine with it as long as you are happy."

I know it's stupid that I am telling her to stay with Zayn but I know if I take her away from him now she will leave me again. She has to see on her own that they are not meant to be, that me and her are perfect. I just hope she sees it or I just made such a stupid decision.

"Okay, don't tell Zayn about this make out session" she laughs.

"It will be our little secret" I smile at her.

"Do you think Louis thinks something's up?" She asks.

"No he knows I would not try anything while you are with Zayn,"

"Okay, good. I would hate for Zayn to find out about this. He would not forgive me this time and he would hate you."

"Don't worry he won't find out about this. And if he does think something happens that means he doesn't trust you." I say without thinking. I wouldn't trust her either if I was Zayn. She has always been a cheater. "I'm sorry." I say turning away from her, getting out of the car.

She follows me without any response to my words. We go into the house and Louis has made some food for us.

"Thanks, how did you know that pasta is my favorite food?" I say spooning some onto my plate.

"Because you always eat it," He laughs.

Ally takes a plate and fills it and sits down at the table. "Thanks Louis,"

"It's nothing. All I had to do is boil water, Harry is the better cook here." He says nudging my shoulder.

"He is an amazing cook. He use to make me dinner all the time." She says smiling.

"I'm sorry for how Zayn acted back there. I am sure he won't do it again. Niall texted me that he is a mess right now and thinks he has lost you again." Louis says.

"Well he should learn not to act like an ass and stop drinking. If he wants me to stay with him he has to learn to do that. This time I am not going to put up with his shit. I will actually file for a divorce, he needs to be better this time or I am gone." she says.

"I don't want to see you hurt again and again. Your like my sister so if you ever need any help with Zayn I am here." Louis says.

We finish our plates and then decide it is time for bed. Louis makes his way up stairs before us.

"Can you lay with me until I fall asleep?" She asks before walking up the stairs.

"I don't know if that is a good idea..." I am hesitant to be in the same bed. We can't be around each other without one of us wanting to kiss the other one.

"Nothing will happen we are just going to cuddle." She responds as she walks into the bedroom.

"Okay fine." I give in following her to the bed.

She starts to take her shirt off revealing a pink bra. She looks at me staring at her. "I can't believe you still look at me the same way after all this time." she says putting on one of the shirts I bought her from the other day.

"How can I not, you are still the same beautiful girl I fell in love with and still in love with." She blushes at my words.

"We have to stop saying stuff like this or someone might think there is more to it." She says crawling into bed next to me.

"Well is there?" I smirk.

"I want there to be, but I have to see if things will work out with Zayn. I feel bad for saying this because I said I would not cheat and I have already kissed you. I am bad at this whole not cheating thing" She laughs.

"Yeah, you are" I laugh.

"Thanks for being such a great friend through all this shit. I really appreciate it." She says cuddling next to me under the comforter.

"I would do anything for you." I say kissing her forehead.

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