Haruka x Reader Angst

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Title: Unloved

This is for the fortunate girl that has to compete with water (and mackerel) for Haru's attention. This girl will most probably feel unloved because Haru spends more time in the water than he does with her.

We all know that Haru has an obsession with water. He loves the water so much, he literally wears his swimsuit wherever he goes. Even the slightest sight of water will make him dress down to his swimsuit. He just loves water to much.

You have been with Haru for almost a year now. And while he spends time with you, he spends a lot of his time in the water. It's like your not even there.

This story is in [F/N]'s POV

We've been together for a long time. I know him just as well as Makoto does. So I wasn't really surprised with all those time where he'd strip down to his swimsuit at faintest sight of water.

But the thing that's troubling me is that it's an obsession. He has an obsession with water. He rarely spends time with me. His own girlfriend. Sure he'd hangout with me, but everywhere we'd go, there would always be a water source of some sort.

I just want home to look at me for one moment...

*Time Skip*

I went to Haru's house. No reply. Knowing him, he'd probably take a cold bath right about now.

"Haru-chan,we need to talk," I said firmly, but not so much until he starts to worry.

[At his living room]

"Haru-chan, I know we've been together for a long time but... I can't talk it anymore! I always feel so lonely because you always spend more time in with water than me!"

"But  you've known me all my life! You should know that by now!" His voice seemed to be escalating by the minute.

"You should at least spend time with me! The girl you choose!"

"Look, the water is a part of me! If you can't accept that leave!" He shouted at me.

"Fine! I'll show myself out!" I stormed out of his house, never looking back. And that was the last time I ever saw or heard from him.

Don't kill me. Haru fans don't kill me. Also I'm not good at angsts and THIS IS MY FIRST ONE!!!

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