Sun Stroke!

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And here we continue on with what will happen? Will Jack be okay? Will their friends find out? 

About a week later it was the Youtubers last day in Ireland and still no one had caught on. Jack was a little upset that Mark had to America, he wanted him to stay with him, but he knew needed to get back Chica and his family, he sighed as he got ready to go and meet them outside, today they were going to the cinema to watch Friend Request, his mind wandered about as he got his stuff together, slipping on his shoes, before it was interrupted by the sound of a horn. He shook his head and glanced outside, seeing Felix wave to him from the car, Ken parked behind with Mary and Mark. He smiled and pulled on a hoodie, quickly locking up and heading downstairs, he waved to the other three as he got into Felix's car. "Are you okay with going to see Friend Request?" Jack asked Marzia after Felix set off towards the cinema. "Yeah. I'm great, excited really. It's Pewds I'm worried about." Marzia replied, teasing Felix. Felix frowned and chuckled. "Hey! I do not get scared at things like THIS!" He gasped screaming the last part as Marzia made him jump by saying boo into his ear. "Marziaaaaaa!" He whined, managing to keep the car steady. "Meanie!" He glanced over at her. She smirked and stuck her tongue out at him. Jack was laughing in the back at what the two were like, he wiped one eye as a tear made it's way down his cheek from laughing too much. Soon they had arrived at the cinema and after being stopped by a few followers that noticed them, they were soon in the cinema and waiting for the film to begin. "Do you guys want to go for a meal before you go and get your things from the hotel?" Jack whispered to them all while the trailers were running. "Yeah sounds good." Mark answered and smiled, gently brushing his fingers along Jack's hand secretly as the others looked back up at the screen agreeing, but not noticing. Jack blushed and clenched his fists up on the arm of the chair, glancing at Mark, shaking his head. He felt like it was to risky to even hold hands in the dark. Mark nodded and understood how he felt towards it getting out, he turned his attention back to the screen as Friend Request began. Throughout the film there were gasps from all around the room of the film, Jack kept hiding his face into Mark's shoulder sometimes when there was a jump-scare, Mark rubbed his shoulder, before hiding his head into Jack's hair. By the end of the film, the lights slowly came back on and Mark and Jack quickly untangled themselves before their friends spotted them. "Well.....That....Was..." Jack said, laughing a little and stroking the back of his neck nervously, looking around as he stood up, brushing off popcorn curnels off his pants from the popcorn that had spilled over. As did the others. "Yeah that was pretty...Strange." Ken said and chuckled a little. As they all left and headed back to the cars, Mary spoke up. "So where are we eating?" She asked. "Frankie and Benny's?" Jack suggested, pointing over to the restaurant about a few minutes walk away from the cinema. They all agreed and were soon in the restaurant, eating and chatting away with themselves. As time went on they found themselves at the airport round about Five pm, Jack was hugging his friends goodbye as they walked through the gate to head to the plane, he watched Mark closer then the others, he wanted to give him a peck goodbye but it was too risky, instead he just hugged him a little longer then the others and whispered 'I love you.' Before pulling back and watching him leave, he felt himself getting teary eyed but fought the tears back as he left the airport, he had to get home and pack to get to his parents for a few days.

When he got to his parents after a long taxi ride, he felt slightly warm but shrugged it off, he got out of the taxi, got his stuff and paid the man. He waved goodbye and walked down towards his parents house. He breathed out a little, rubbing his forehead with his spare hand. "What the fuck is wrong with me?" He groaned, shrugging it away again as he glanced up at the woods he recognized. "Maybe I can cut through here like I used too." He spoke quietly, starting to walk down the small hill into the forest. As he got to the bottom, he dropped a few things and cursed under his breath, before picking them back up and wobbling slightly. "Seriously Jack, what the fuck is wrong?" Jack asked himself, running a hand through his hair and feeling sweat appear on his forehead, he frowned and shook his head. "Just might be dehydrating a little." He thought as he began to carry on walking towards his parents through the woods, he soon arrived at his parents and caught up with his family, smiling and ignoring the sickness. After a few days Jack was heading back to his house, he was going the same shortcut he took when he first arrived, he pulled his luggage through the bumpy road in the forest, he sighed tiredly. His muscles felt like they were crying out in pain with every movement he made, little beads of sweat lay under his dull green fringe on his forehead, some dripping down his cheeks slowly. He felt like he had to take deep breaths with every step he took, he groaned as he went dizzy. "Come on Jackaboy." He mumbled to himself and tried to keep going towards the road, before his legs gave way from underneath him, giving quite a thud when he hit the floor, groaning out, his eyes slowly closing as the consciousness slowly leaving him.

Meanwhile unknown to Jack, Mark had found a way back to Ireland and was surprising Jack, he sat outside his house awaiting for Jack to return as he had gotten a text from Jack telling him what time he should arrive back, even though the green haired younger man thought his lover was in America. He frowned as he checked his phone, it read 1pm. 'Where was Jack?' Mark wondered to as he looked around, standing up and glancing inside the house to see if he could any movement. There was nothing, no movement no sign. He sighed and went through his phone to get up Jack's number, before calling him....Though it went to voicemail. "Okay this can't be good..." He frowned and hurried away from the doorstep. "I need to get to his parents...I need to see if he's okay." He said to himself as he reached for his phone and looked through the text's he and Jack had sent each other, surely Jack had given him his parents road right? Mark quickly scanned through the texts and began to panic slightly. "Come on..Come on..." He breathed, before stopping at a text and smiling a little as he found the place on a text Jack had sent a few days ago. He quickly called a taxi to where he was, he began tapping his foot impatiently waiting for the taxi. After a few minutes the taxi finally arrived and Mark hopped in and told him where to go and put his foot down, he stared out of the window worryingly. "Come on Jackaboy, please be okay." He whispered quietly, so the taxi driver couldn't exactly hear him, but probably just see his lips move. He looked back out the window after a moment and then back to his phone, trying to call Jack again. "God damn it! Answer!" He said, now panicking as his heart sped up, terrible thoughts running through his mind. What was wrong with his Jack? Why isn't he answering his phone? Is he ignoring him? Had he done something wrong on the last day they were together?

Mark was suddenly knocked out of his thought, when the taxi driver nudged him and spoke up to let him know they had arrived. He got out of the taxi and nodded, thanking him. He looked around, walking to his parents house and knocking on the door. Jack's mother answered and looked at the man, she recognized the man from a picture, Jack had shown her over the few years he did Youtube. "Hello there young man." She smiled gently down at the man stood in front of her. "Hello there ma'am, my name is Mark. I'm Jack's friend. Is he here?" He asked softly. She shook her head. "I've been told about you and your friends that came to stay for the week and no he left about half an hour." She frowned a little worried herself now. "Okay thank you, do you know which way he went?" Mark asked after a moment, trying to not worry Jack's parents. Jack's mother pointed to the woods up ahead and looked at him. "Let me know if you find him." She said, seeing right through him. Mark nodded and hurried down into the woods. "JACK!" He yelled, looking around frantically, he ran as fast as he feet could take him, still calling Jack's name, after a few minutes of running through the woods, he noticed a body lay on the floor, his eyes widened as he stopped himself. Around the unconscious body lay two suitcases and a rucksack that had his laptop in, his phone was vibrating in his pocket. Mark hurried over and fell to his knees, picking the limp body up. "Jackiboy?" He whispered, nudging him gently. "Come on wake up for Markimoo."

Chapter five coming soon!  

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