Chapter 1:

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Ashton's pov:

I woke up, and felt someone's body draped around my own. He was stuck to me like glue but in a cute, non gross way. I shot my eyes opened and realized I didn't go home with Jayke and Kali last night. Holy shiiiiit! My parents are going to be absolutely ballistic when I get home!!

I unraveled myself from the strangers muscular, hairy arms and slowly slipped myself off of the bed. I slowly slipped on my jeans, pulled on my sweater from my purse, brushed my hair quietly, and then threw my hair up into a ponytail.

I pulled my socks and shoes back on quietly and gently so the man I slept with wouldn't hear me leaving before he woke up.

Thump, thump, thump, my heart was beating out of my small chest.

I turned around slowly and examined the mans face and gasped. I was immediately at a loss for words and I couldn't breath. There's no way in hell I slept with him last night, there cannot be any explanation for this..

I walked closer to the bed and leaned over to see if my theory was right. I moved a few curls out of his face and saw every feature match the man on the TVs, the magazines, tabloids, and radio.

My heart was racing as memories of last night flooded my hungover, aching head only making the headache worse. I was breathing heavily and rapidly when I knew I had made a mistake. I slept with Harry freaking Styles last night!

I searched for a piece of paper and a pen and began to write with tears in my eyes as I felt every romantic emotion and gesture that I felt with Harry Styles last night. I was devastated that I even let this happen and I was nervous I was going to be mobbed by paps when I left his huge house, if I could even find an exit. I couldn't do this to his career! Only sixteen years old, sleeping with an eighteen year old pop star! He could go to jail for rape, and his whole career with the boys would go down the drain. Oh my god!


I'm sorry for leaving you so soon. I'm sorry this handwriting is messy because I'm in a rush. I had no idea it was you that was so kind to me last night. I feel terrible for letting you do this with someone you barely knew, and now you probably feel grossed out because of me. Well, again, I'm sorry. I never should've taken your offer to come home with you. I feel terrible, and you probably do too. It was a magical night.. And I'll never forget it. I promise I won't try to contact you, I know you'd probably not like that.




Harry's POV:

I awoke from my much needed, long, slumber. I could feel the heat and the rays of the hot, Vegas sun shining on my face. I could feel my hangover bursting through my skull, I knew I drank too much.

I remembered everything about last night. I remembered the guys leaving me, I remember having a few drinks, meeting a beautiful girl, chatting her up and starting to like her. She was beautiful, funny, smart, and she was sarcastic and I liked that.

I remember coming home with her and us ending up on the bed. Oh man, her and I had sex. I didn't even remember her name... Yet, I was so awestruck by her beauty.

Pregnant at 16-Harry Styles [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now