Chapter III

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As I promised, here's the next chapter of Both (Boyxboy)! Sorry if I sounded a bit full of myself earlier, a lack of sleep can do that to a person. Vote, share, and comment away! I love hearing from you!

Next Update- Scorpion's Apprentice

"So, let me get this straight. You told Naruto that you were going on a political mission, and failed to tell him about the arranged marriage  that Temari forced me to set up. Am I correct to understand that?" Gaara asked slowly. Sakura and Ino exchanged looks, and nodded.

Gaara sighed and rubbed his throbbing temples. "I swear, you girls are going to be the death of me," he muttered. "Gaara, I'm your older sister, I'm only do what I think is right for you," Temari said softly. Gaara shot a glare at his sister. "That's nice and all, Temari, but I want Naruto to be happy with the marriage. I don't want him forced into something that he doesn't want to take part in," he said.

Temari and the two girls from Konoha looked at each other, and walked into the corner. The Kazekage looked over at the unconscious blonde on the couch, and sighed.


Naruto frowned, "Gaara...what are you..." he started to say, but stopped when he saw Gaara get down on one knee and took out a small box.

"When I first met you, all I wanted to do was to kill everything, but you opened my eyes to the world. When the Akatsuki kidnapped me, all I could think about was you and your warm smile. The thought of never seeing you again was more painful than the thought of dying. You are my best friend, the only one that really knows me. Naruto Uzumaki...will you marry me?" Gaara asked as he opened the little box, to reveal a ring inside.

The room went dead silent. Gaara looked up at his (hopefully) soon-to-be-husband to say yes. Naruto, on the other hand, stares down at Gaara. His cheeks were painted red, and eyes were the size of ramen bowls.

"Well?" Gaara asked softly. "Umm...well...ahh..." Naruto said flabbergasted. The blonde was thrown into a loop. What the hell was going on here!? Naruto's head was pounding. Gaara smiled softly, but said nothing.

The room started to spin, and Naruto was starting to see double. "Room..spinning...going...down," Naruto said as he fell down. Before he could hit the office ground, Gaara's sand rushed from its gourd, and caught Naruto. The Kazekage quickly dropped the ring box, and hurried to Naruto's side.

"Dang it," Gaara muttered as he picked Naruto up bridal-style, and laid him down on the couch. "Why do I have a feeling that Temari is behind this," he muttered to himself as he picked the small box off the floor.

~End of Flashback~

"And here we are now," Gaara thought with another sigh. When he tore his eyes off of his (obviously) not-so-secret crush, Gaara saw that the three girls were standing in front of his desk again. "Well?" Gaara asked impatiently.

Temari cleared her throat. "Gaara, you have had a really hard life up till now. With our father forcing you to become the container of the Ichibi, and wanting to kill everything in sight. But when you met Naruto, you were finally happy. I couldn't stand watching you consistently wanting to kill whatever was in your way," she explained. Gaara sighed for what seemed like the tenth time so far today. "Get to the point," Temari," he ordered annoyed.

His sister sighed, "I just want to see you always with the amount of happiness that you have when you're with Naruto. So I forced you to sign that political marriage contract," she said. Gaara glared at his sister, and sighed. "What have I told you about poking your nose into my love life?" he asked.

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