Chapter IX

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You've heard it before, you know what to do! LeEave plenty of comments and I hope you enjoy!

The hot Suna sun beat down onto the two as they traveled on top of a medium sized rock that Gaara was moving with a  wave of sand that he had created. "Is it always this hot?" Naruto groaned as he fiddled with the collar of his shirt. "This is the desert after all, Naruto," Gaara pointed out as he glanced back at his friend.

Naruto wiped his sweat from his forehead. "But it's still as hot as hell here," he muttered. "You're not really human anymore, how can you still be affected by heat?" Gaara inquired. "Just because I'm not fully human anymore, doesn't mean that I can't feel anything. I can feel anything that you do. Pleasure, pain, soft, and heat. Anything you can feel, I can too," Naruto replied.

Gaara hummed. "Shouldn't you start listening? We're almost there," he said. Naruto nodded as he crossed his legs and began to concentrate. His black-tipped, yellow ears perked up from his head and began to flicker in the air. Gaara glanced back at Naruto and smiled softly before he looked away and stared ahead. "Gaara, we're being followed from the back," Naruto said.

Gaara grunted in understanding. "How far away?" he asked. "Close, really close. Like on top of us," Naruto replied. Gaara nodded as the surf of sand slowed down till they were sitting on the ground. Naruto stood up and looked behind them. "How do you want to deal with this?" he inquired as he glanced his friend. "As quick as possible, I don't trust Kankuro running around in my office," Gaara said.

Naruto nodded slowly. "Alright, well then let's take care of this quickly than," he said as two yellow chakra arms came out of his shoulders and dove into the sand. Gaara glanced between the chakra arms and Naruto a bit confused. "Found them. Gaara get ready, they're going to come out to the left," the half-Bijū said.

The Kazekage nodded and turned towards the left. Exactly what he had predicted, about five shinobi jumped out of the sand. Gaara's sand shot out of his gourd and wrapped around the five bandits.

The two jumped onto the ground and walked over to the five suspended shinobi. "So this is the Quicksand Gang that I've heard all about," Naruto hummed as his chakra arms went back into his body. The five shinobi looked down and one of them laughed. "Well, I can't believe my eyes. If it isn't the great Kazekage," one of the bandits said mockingly.

"Sorry, should I know you?" Gaara asked with a raised eyebrow. "I don't know, should you, you demon," the shinobi hissed. "Oh, you're one of those people. Someone who still holds me in low regards even after so many years," Gaara said bluntly.

Naruto glanced curiously at his friend and than towards the five men in front of him. "People who wanted me dead when I was younger, but they were too scared of me to act. Now that I am the Kazekage, so some of them defected and I suppose that's how the Quicksand Gang was formed," Gaara explained calmly.

Naruto nodded slowly. "I'm not surprised. It seems that every Jinchūriki has to deal with that," he muttered. "Of course it would be associated with another demon," one of the men growled. Naruto flinched and his ears flattened against his head.

Gaara glanced at Naruto and the sand around the poor sap that made Naruto flinch tighten. "Don't you dare insult Naruto in front of me," he warned coldly. "Gaara, I'm fine. I'm used to it," Naruto reassured as he gently gripped his friend's shoulder.

Gaara relaxed but continued to glare at the bandits. "So what do you want to do with them?" he asked. "That's up to you. No matter what they think, you are their leader. It's your decision what happens to them," Naruto replied. Gaara nodded and looked up at the five. "Let's take them back to Suna, hopefully we can get a confession out of them or something that will let us know where the rest of their gang is," he said.

Suddenly, two more bandits jumped out of the sand and two yellow chakra arms launched out of Naruto's back and blocked their attack. "I was waiting for you two to get your act together and show yourselves, about time you did so too," Naruto said as he turned around.

"You knew and you didn't warn me?" Gaara inquired as he glanced at his friend. "I didn't want to distract you," Naruto said simply. "Fine, can you take care of these two?" Gaara asked. "Two of them? Child's play," Naruto snorted before he launched at the two thieves.

Gaara smiled a little before he turned back to his five captives...only to see that his captives were now sand clones. "Oh great," he thought before he looked around the sand. "Did you lose them already?" Naruto called as he glanced towards his friend. "I can find them, just worry about yours," Gaara said.

"Alright," Naruto said before he went back to fighting his opponents. Gaara took a soft breath and held out his hand. His eyes snapped open as a quicksand pit formed underneath him. Gaara quickly jumped up into the air in time to avoid watching the rock he was just on get swallowed up by quicksand and crushed.

"Is that all you can do? Hide underneath the sands and attack whenever you see a chance?" Gaara said as he landed down on the ground. Instantly, five bandits jumped out of the sand with their weapons raised. Pillars of sand shot up from the ground and slammed into the bandits. "Naruto, would you mind?" Gaara asked.

Naruto glanced over at his friend and nodded. Five chakra arms shot out of his back and grabbed the five bandits. "Alright. Well, your friends wouldn't be able to tell us anything because they're knocked out.'re going to have to tell us what we want to know, alright?" Naruto said with a tilt of his head.

Gaara's heart fluttered. "Cute," he thought with a slight blush. "We aren't telling you anything," one of the bandits growled. "Is that so?" Naruto inquired as he crossed his arm and tapped his chin. "Maybe you would like it if I did this," he said as a chakra hand came out of his preexisting chakra hands.

Naruto smiled calmly as five Rasengans appeared in the chakra hands. "Now, you can tell me why you did this can get a ball of swirling wind chakra in your face. Your decision," he said.

The bandits looked at each other before looking down at the Jinchūriki. "Fine, we'll spill," one of the bandits said. "Great, now start talking," Naruto ordered. "We did this so that we can support our families," one of the bandits said. "Oh really? Might I hear more?" Naruto inquired.

"We have families, people who don't see as our Kazekage," the bandit spat. Naruto glanced at Gaara to see that he was stone-faced at being called a demon. "You're taking being called a monster a lot better than me," Naruto observed. "I've gotten used to it," Gaara replied.

Naruto frowned a little before he turned back to the five bandits. "So, your family, tell me about them," he said as he crouch down and stared up at the bandits. All five bandits glanced at each other before they turned back towards Naruto. "We have a hidden village of our own. It's not official, but it's our home," one of the bandits said. "Oh really? Is it alright if we go and see it?" Naruto asked. "Yeah, when pigs fly," the bandit growled.

"That swirling ball of wind chakra is starting to sound really good right now," Naruto hummed. "Fine," the bandit grumped. "Great!" Naruto said cheerfully as his chakra arms dissolved and the bandits fell to the ground. "Lead the way," Naruto said cheerfully.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2018 ⏰

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