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"woah, look at that rack."
"thanks hehe... don't make comments like that about me, please and thank you."

"you're beautiful, and so sweet."

"i don't want to go into my true form.."
"why not?"
"because if i do.. everyone would hate me, i haven't been the same.."

"c-can I ask you something?"
"of course, doll face."
"you're an expert on coolness, right?"
"of course."
"so, is dating cool?"

"that's so rude! i'm just as hot as any other girl in this school, and he doesn't see it in me. he treats me like a baby.. i'll show him, i'll prove to him that i can be sexy. that i can be hardcore."

"my first mission! YAY!"
"bubbles, i don't know if i like this.."

"in a dark world full of people that just kill and are evil, you keep my world bright and peaceful."

"i love you back, okay, i love you so much, please, please come back to me. PLEASE!"

Forever & Always, Bubbles ❁ soul eater-evansWhere stories live. Discover now