~Chapter 1~

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Chapter 1


I’m running across a clearing in the middle of the woods to get away from the people who are chasing me. I hear a gun shot that just missed and hit the tree next to me.

I have to run faster. I have to get to the light. I keep telling myself. Just as I’m about run into the light that I think might by a street, I trip over a log. I was so busy trying to get the street that I didn’t see were I was going. I hear footsteps coming towards me faster then before. Then all I hear is silence. I look around frantically trying to see if they were there or not. I couldn’t hear anything but that doesn’t mean they weren’t there watching me.

 “1….,2....,3” I say quietly as I push myself up fast. I didn’t even get 2 steps when something pushed me to the ground. I close my eyes trying to push back tears that were forming. I take a deep breathe then open my eyes to see a man in a black outfit. I look around the man that has me pinned down, to see a group of other men in the same outfits. I try get away but I can’t really move. All the men started to laugh at me. I hear something that will forever be imprinted into my memory. BANG!!!!…….

*End of Dream*

I wake up a little startled. Trying to focus my eyes to see were I am, I realise that I’m in my bed at home. That dream seemed so real. Running in the woods, hearing footsteps, the gun shots…… I shiver just remembering the noise. I put my hand on forehead, eww, I feel all sticky and hot from my sweat.

I get out of bed and go to my draw to get some clothes for the day. I started to walk out of my room still a little dazed from the dream when my foot hit something hard. I fell flat on my face. “Ouch, ouch bloody OUCH!” I get up from the floor and turn around to see what I fell over. It was one of my little brother’s toy trucks. I picked it up and walked into Sam’s room and toss the truck on his bed.  I walked across the hallway and ran into something hard. I looked up to see my dad trying not to laugh at me.

“Hey are you okay sweetie? You look like hell.”

“Gee Thanks dad and yeah I think I’m ok just a bad dream is all.”

“Oh, did you want to talk about it?”

What is it with parents that try to make you talk about everything?

I sigh “Nah its OK I’m just gonna go have a shower.” I start to walk away when I hear my dad call back

“OK just don’t take all day in there”

I sigh again and shake my head. I walk into the bathroom and put my clothes near the bath. I get a towel from the draw. As I was about to hang my towel on a hook, I caught a glimpse in the mirror. I saw a man in a black outfit just like in my dream. I quickly turn around to see that nothing was there so I turned back around to face the mirror again. Nothing. Man was my dad right; it looked like I’d been dragged to hell and back. Aww man it’s gonna take ages to get the knots out of my hair.


“I’M GOING TO SHAY’S HOUSE NOW” I yelled to no one in particular.

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