~Chapter 4~

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Sorry for any mistakes :(


Chapter 4

I heard someone scream. I looked around but I couldn’t find where it was coming from. It looks like no one had noticed it so I just sat back down. It was probably just my imagination. Then I heard it again. Ok that wasn’t my imagination. I get up and walk over to the house. I was in the hallway when I heard it again. I started to walk faster. The screaming lead to the front of the house. I heard it again and started to run towards it. I was running down the road when I realised that I had ran a lot further then I thought. I looked around and saw that I had run out of town. I mean Joshes house is fairly close to the edge of town but still. Oh no, I didn’t stay put. I heard the screaming again, I looked back and forth between the town and where the scream came from. I started to jog towards the scream. I pulled my phone out and started to dial 000.

A woman answered on the first ring.

“Triple zero, What’s your emergency?”

“I heard someone screaming in the forest just out side.....” I was cut off by the disconnected tone in the phone. “God damn it” Slightly shouting to myself. I heard a loud cracking noise. I could feel the ground slightly shake. Oh that’s just great now it’s gonna rain. Just as I thought about rain, I could feel cool little droplets hit my head. Man could this get any worse? I heard another loud crack and looked up to see that it was thunder and lightning. It started to rain heavy. Sighing I tried dialing the same number again but the same thing happened. No one answered. Great. This is just great. I looked at my phone and saw the reason it wasn’t working. Great, I've got no bars. I stopped and turned around to see if I could get any reception. I stopped completely. I looked around. Umm... Where’s the sign that says “You’re now entering Ashwood”?

I looked around panicked. Oh god what have I done. Why didn’t I just listen to Shay and stay put? I just felt like I had to help the person that was screaming. But why didn’t I bring someone with me? Why didn’t I tell someone that I going? Ok just calm down Zoey. Instead of playing the “Why didn’t I?” game, try and see where you are. I looked around again and noticed something strange. That’s the same road where the sign was but there was no sign. The road was also dirt not ash felt. What the hell is going on? I heard something coming and took a few steps back towards the trees. I saw, no, not a car but a horse and carriage? What the hell?? The carriage just went right past me and didn’t stop. Well thank you very much for stopping for me. Oh well it’s probably for the best. There was probably an ax murderer in there or something. Ok I’m just exaggerating again. I start to walk towards where the horse and carriage took off and where the town I was just in. I stayed on the outskirts of the trees so no one could see me. I looked up from the ground and gasped. It was town but like 600 years ago. It is a lot bigger then my town, but this is my town, only bigger. How is this possible? I started to walk again when I heard someone start to talk to me.

“You look lost. Are you new here? Almost everyone who lives here know every inch of this place.” I turned around and saw a man getting out of a carriage. I started to walk backwards to get away from him. Why does he look so familiar? “Do you need to go somewhere? Where do you live?” I could hear that he was asking me questions but I wasn’t really listening to him. I started to run towards the woods but decided against it. What happens if that was my dream? I kept running towards town. It was so close when I felt strong arms go around me and lift me up.

“Who are you? What do you want?” The men just chuckled. I froze. I knew that laugh. It was the laugh of my attackers in my dream. The man that was holding me brought me back to the carriage, Well if he’s going to be a pain in the ass then i’m going to be the biggest pain in the ass that they’ve ever had. I started to struggle against his hold. I tried kicking him but none of that was any good. I’ll just have to wait until I’m in the carriage.

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