Chapter Twenty-Four

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Adams POV

"Adam hey wake up" came ashleys voice, I rolled over and came nose to nose with her where she was kneeling next to my bed. I pulled back and rubbed my eyes, "let me sleep" I complained groggily. "Sorry babe no can do there's someone here to see you" she replied moving my fringe from my face. I coughed and sat up, "Adam?" A guy in a suit asked. "Who are you?" I questioned, "Dr thwaites you're friends called me they are worried about you and asked me to come and check you over" he replied.

"Oh" I replied as he pulled a stethoscope from his bag, "may I?" He asked gesturing to my top. I lifted it as he placed the cold metal on chest. I gasped quietly as he listened to my chest, "hmm" he mused as he took it from his ears. He rummaged in his bag pulling a thermometer from it "Open your mouth" he replied as I did and he stuck the metal stick into it. "Hmm fairly high" he mused, "stick your tongue out" he answered as he shone a light into my mouth. After that he asked me questions like do you have this or do you have that. Once he was done Ashley and the others all looked round the door. "So?" Ashley questioned, "he's got flu" he answered. "He has a charity show in a few days" monte replied. "If he's no better you will have to cancel it" he answered. "Thanks" Tommy replied smiling as he let him out.

"We cant cancel the show" I said quietly, "we're going to have to we cant make you go out there" Ashley replied. "No" I said slowly climbing from the bed, "where are you going?" tommy asked. "To get a drink" I answered, I rummaged in the bags on the side and took two tablets and a mouthful of the medicine. I shuddered "ew" I muttered, I turned at the sound of the door seeing Sauli standing on the step. "What do you want?" I asked, "I came to pick up my things. Im going back to LA" he answered. "Good, here" I said dropping the silver band in his hand. "What happened adam? I thought we loved each other" he answered.

"We might have done once, but I heard the video Sauli. I heard you admitting to all those things, I heard you threatening him when did you become so vicious!" I cried. "He wanted you adam I was protecting what was mine!" he exclaimed. I threw my hands in the air "im not a trophy, a trinket, a possession or a prize. Im a person with feelings, not something to win!" I said raising my voice as much as I could. "To me you were everything I could want, you were the best thing I could have won. I had the man I wanted the man I loved then he came in with his blonde hair and brown eyes. And he was all over you, I had to watch that. I had to make it clear you were mine!" he shouted.

"He was my friend nothing more, I didn't belong to you Sauli!" I cried my chest tight as my body protested to my raised voice. "Yeah right, he wanted to be more than a friend! He wanted to fuck you so badly!" he exclaimed. "So what if he did, he was 1000 times better than you!" I shouted as he fell silent,  I watched him intently. "You didn't" he said, I was confused at this question. I had only said it to shut him up "he did" came tommys voice from behind me. He placed his hand on my shoulder, "when We were still together?!" Sauli shouted his ice cold gaze burning into me. I looked at tommy who nodded, "you were drunk im sorry I didnt tell you" he whispered. "You cheated on me? You slept with another guy when you were with me!" he yelled his fists hitting the side as I jumped.

"Don't give me the poor little me bullshit, you cheated on me numerous times! You slept with god knows how many people and you knew it. The difference is I didn't I was drunk!" I shouted. "Oh so that makes it ok, I did it to you so you did it back?" he said his voice now oddly calm as he stepped towards me. I backed away from him "it was me! I led it all!" tommy shouted. "I knew it you and him are welcome to each other two sluts together" Sauli said. "Youre the expert Sauli youre the biggest slut ive met. Now get your stuff and leave!" I answered rubbing my chest.

He came back with his bags, "I hope you'll be very happy together" he snapped glaring at me and tommy. "Oh we will be now youre gone" tommy snapped. He scoffed "whatever have a nice life" he replied as he stormed out off the bus. I watched him go, the anger replaced with realisation that it was the end of an era. I crossed the room and sank into the sofa, tommy sat next to me and placed his hand on mine. "Are you alright?" he questioned, "hes gone. I mean hes finally gone" I answered. His fingertips ran over my cheek, "hey why are you crying?" he asked. "I don't know" I replied, he laughed "Idiot come here" he answered pulling me into his arms.

He buried his nose in my hair, "I love you adam" he said quietly. "I love you too" I replied resting my head on his chest.

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