Chapter Twenty-Five

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Tommys POV

I rolled over and watched adam sleeping peacefully next to me, I ran my eyes over his flushed cheeks and long eyelashes casting shadows against his pale skin. His lips parted slightly, his breathing short and staggered. He was still unwell but he was determined to do tonights show, he was slowly getting better. The doctor told us he wouldn't feel right completely for a few weeks yet, he was still very tired and still had the lingering cough but it wasn't as bad now. There were times at night where he would still cough so much he was sick but that usually passed after a while. I was always there, rubbing his back in gentle circles.

He stirred his long lashes revealing those striking blue eyes I knew so well, he stretched and looked at me. "Youre awake?" he asked still half asleep, "I was watching you sleep" I answered. "Creep" he answered as he leant on his elbow, "you love it" I answered kissing him softly. He pulled back and coughed as he sighed quietly. "So what are we up to today?" I asked, he shrugged "I might go out, Im fed up with being inside. I might go to oxford street" he answered. "Are you sure? I mean are you well enough?" I asked.

"Im fine"  he replied, "youre so damn stubborn" I replied moving his fringe from his face. "Not stubborn, you know I hate being stuck inside" he told me as he slid off the bed. He was a little unsteady on his feet as I shook my head and watched him go, he was stubborn and headstrong yet that's one of the things I liked about him. I slid off the bed and followed him into the kitchen, he was talking to Ashley and monte they looked up when they saw me. "So adam says we're going to oxford street to shop, Ive not been there before im stoked" Ashley said practically jumping up and down.

I raised my eyebrows  as they rushed off to get ready, "we're all going?" I questioned taking a bite from my toast. "I thought it best, I know you worry about me. Im still not 100 percent so it makes sense that I don't go alone, I love that you care about me" he replied draping his arms round my waist as I leant against him my arms over his shoulders. "Of course I care about you, who wouldn't youre sexy and you have a nice ass" he replied. "You only like me for my body" he teased, "oh yes that's it" I answered pecking him on the lips.

"Alright lovebirds stop snogging and lets go get our shop on!" Ashley said as we pulled apart, as adam turned and I slapped his ass. He gasped as I smirked and went to brush my teeth, within a few minutes were in the car and heading into the busy London streets. We all filtered out and went into one of the shops, Adam wandered over to the collection of nail varnishes. I left him to it and wandered over to the guitar strings. I ran my fingertips over them  debating what ones to get,

I heard raised voices and screams as I turned and saw adam had disappeared, "Adam!" I called as I heard him shouting my name. I saw the crowd of people, In the middle I saw adam pushed against the wall by fans. I pushed my way through the crowd and slipped my hand in his squeezing tightly. A security guard walked over and pushed them all back into a circle, "bit late" I mumbled as adam stood next to me breathing heavily. "Are you alright?" I whispered, "im ok" he answered. We signed things for them as they filtered out, "I swear they actually crushed me" adam said on the ride back.

I smirked "probably there was a lot of them" I laughed, "shut up" he said nudging me so I slid off the leather seat onto the floor. Ashley and monte sniggered as adam grabbed my hand and pulled me up. "Asshole" I said, "you love it" he said smirking as he ruffled my hair. I scowled and tidied it as adam laughed, "ok grumpy pants" he answered. I shimmied back so my back was against his side as his hands snaked over my shoulder resting on my chest.

Later that day...

The show came to an end as I placed my guitar on the stand,we all went back to the dressing room. "We're flying back home tomorrow" Ashley mused, "I know thank goodness in sick of this cold air" monte said. I watched adam taking his makeup off as Ashley and monte went in search of some bottled water. I slid my arms over adams shoulders gently kissing his neck. "Tommy" he said smirking, "what cant I kiss my boyfriend?" I questioned. He grabbed my hands and pulled me round him so I was in front of him. His hands on my hips as I sat on his legs and he looked at my unblinking.

I leant towards him as his hands cupped my face, his lips met mine kissing me softly. I kissed him back with passion as he pulled me and stood as I wrapped my legs round his waist. He let me fall to the sofa as he straddled me, his lips on mine. I breathed heavily against his lips as my fingertips grabbed his shirt. "Ahem" someone said clearing their throat as I sat up and looked towards the sound. Flaming red hair and piercing blue eyes, "Liz" I breathed...

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