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So, cookies, hello there! Look here, look here! *Waves arms* 

I'm sorry to disappoint you, but this is not a update, I'll try to update soon though! :) 

I just wanted to thank all my readers, who have left me comments and votes! I mean 600 votes?! My God.. Amazayn, you are, my cookies! I just wish for more comments, so I know what you think of this story and all~ *Shy smile, playing with a piece of cookie.* 

AND: I just don't want this story to end quite yet, so if you people have any ideas what you would like to happen in this story, please do tell! I would love to write some of you guys' ideas, because I have an ending already in mind, somehow, but that's just can't happen, not yet anyway! ;D SO, PLEASE LEAVE YOUR IDEAS IN MY INBOX AND I'M GLAD TO WRITE THEM IN TO MY STORY AND DEDICATE A CHAPTER TO ALL OF THEM WHO SENDS SOME IDEAS! 

That's all. Love ya, guys! Talk to me, anytime, I'm tend to get bored with talking to myself all the time. ;) xx

Ps. I'll try to write longer chapter to you, lovely cookies of mine, so it might take a while, sorry for that. Be patient and you'll be rewarded with COOKIES

Unnoticed Feelings (Zarry)Where stories live. Discover now