Chapter 4

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************Danny's P.O.V.*************

"Shower first stinky," Ali made a face.

I laughed and got up.

"Alright, alright. Give me a few." I replied.

I walk into the bathroom with a pair of black skinnies and a black shirt. I started up the shower and waited for the water to warm up before jumping in.

Where should I take Ali for a first date? I had no idea where to even start. Just then I heard someone walkin probably to take a piss. I stuck my head out and saw it was Ben. I quickly put my head back in and continued shower.

"Ben would you do me a favor real quick?" I asked.

"Anything but a blowjob." He replied.

I laughed at his comment.

"No not that. Could you right now, in here, look up a restaraunt that's nice that I can take Ali to for a date??" I said.

"What the hell why not." He said zipping up his pants.

I turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist.

"Well?" I asked.

"Hold on a sec." he replied.

I sighed and dried off and started throwing on my clothes.

"Found one!" He cried.

"Well?" I said.

"It's not fancy but it's casual. A little place called Chili's. You can just walk in."

"Ok.Where is it?" I asked.

"A few blocks down." he replied.

"Okay. Thanks mate." I smiled.

He waved his hand and walked ouyt of the bathroom. I followed behind.

"Get some from Ben, Danny?" James said from the couch.

"At least I get some at all." I replied.

"Oh har har har so funny." James replied rolling his eyes.

I laughed and walked to the kitchen where Ali and her friend Jen were sitting. Ben was also there grabbing a beer.

"Ready for our date?" I asked walking up to Ali.

Jen raised her eyebrows while Ali nodded.

"Yep lets go." She said and grabbed my hand.

***********Ali's P.O.V.***********

"Ready for our date?" Danny said from the doorway.

Jen raised her eybrows.

"Yep lets go." I said.

I grabbed his hand and dragged him outside.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"Just a little place nearby," Danny shrugged.

I sighed.

"So tell me about yourself." Danny said.

"Well I graduated high school about a year ago and I work as a receptionist at a small firm. I live with Jen in an apartment building about an hour away from here. I'm close with my parents and they live in a suburb a few blocks from my apartment. I have two cats and a dog at home. I enjoy long walks and music. And.... well I think thats about it about me. What about you?" I say thinking about the child I had lost in high school. Figured I'd leave that secret for now.

"Well I'm from the U.K. I have two dogs. Ben is my sort of secret lover." I give him a look. "Kidding love. I like to drink. I don't do much besides stuff for the band. You know writing hits and shit. But sometimes I like to sit out and just watch the stars wondering where life went you know? I mean I used to drink and stuff before we got famous but now it's like a constant thing." He says looking off in the distance sadly.

" I know what you mean." I reply.

"I don't think you really do love." He said.

"No I really do. Before I graduated I was hospitalized for alcohol poisoning. I had gone down to drinking that whole year previous after I'd... after I'd miscarried." I said shakily.

Danny looked at me.

"How'd you end up pregnant so young?" he asked.

"I still don't really know to this day. I liked the guy but he kinda forced me into it and his friends joined and... well I don't really remember anything." I said, tears streaming down my face.

"Oh love." He said and pulled me into a hug.

"I promise I won't ever let anything like that happen to you again." He said brushing away my tears and looking in my eyes.

Then he leaned down and gave me a soft kiss. It only lasted a second but it drove me equally as mad.

"We're almost there." Danny said pulling me with him.

We walked up to Chili's and I smiled. I love me some Chili's!

"God I love Chili's!" I tell Danny as we wait to be seated.

He laughs and says, "I'm glad you like it."

I smile at him but before I can say anything a girl comes to sit us down.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" She asks.

"I'll have a coke." I say.

"And for you sir?" She asks Danny.

"I'll have a Budweiser." He replies.

"Alright I'll bring your drinks out in a moment."

Danny and I nod our heads and start looking through the menu.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to start drinking this early?" I ask Danny.

He scoffs, "of course it is! Anytime is a good time to drink!" He laughs.

I giggle weakly. Ben's right, Danny has a problem.

Let's hope this date goes alright...


Yay another chapter done! And yes I left a hanger cuz I got too lazy.. Lol

Good day! :)

SaviorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora