Chapter 5

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**********Ali's POV*************

"Ali? Will you marry me?"

It's the end of my date with Danny and he is extremely drunk somehow. Fuck me.

"No Danny. You're drunk." I reply.

"I am not drunk! I am just in a very good mood. Happy and shit." he says with a goofy smile.

I blink, "You know what? I'm going to run to the restroom to consider your offer."

Not really. Just need to get away long enough to call for help.

"Alright love! I'll be waiting for you!" he takes another swig of beer.

I walk away from him then sigh. This is bad. Like really bad. At first Danny was fine. After the first three beers he made himself out as an ass to everyone. I need to get a hold of Ben pronto.

As I walk into the bathroom I whip out my phone and search for Ben's name in my contacts. It rings twice before he picks up.

"What's up Ali?" Ben asks instantly.

"Danny's fucking drunk. He's got to be on his tenth beer now." I say.

"Well he shouldn't be to bad then." Ben replies.

My eyebrows shoot up, "He just asked me to marry him and he's acting like a complete ass to anyone and everyone that walks by."

Ben hesitates for a moment.

"He could have drank before you guys went out... or he brought something small with him.... or he ask the waiter to slip him something extra."

"Waitress." I say, "I can see it. Would you be able to pick us up?"

I hear a heavy sigh and some murmuring before Ben says, "Alright I'm on my way."

"Thank you." I say then hang up.

I quick check myself in the mirror before walking out of the bathroom.

"Just give me another fucking beer!" I hear Danny yell.

"No more, Danny. It's time for us to go." I say.


"No. It's time for us to get our check and go." I say queitly.

"Well you're no fun," he frowns.

"Technically I wasn't meant to be fun," I mutter.

Our waitress comes up to the table.

"Anything else I can get ya'll tonight?"

Danny goes to speak but I quickly cut in.

"No thank you. We'll take our check please."

She looks at me and frowns.

"I'll be right back with that in a moment then." she says.

 "You're a spoil sport." Danny says, slurring his words a little.

"And you're a drunken asshole." I reply irritated.

Just then Ben walks in. I wave him over.

"Benny Boy!!!!" Danny slurs.

"Hey mate," he nods.

"Think you can get him into your car alone while I wait for the bill?" I ask.

"Hoow about you take him to the car and I'll pay the bill." Ben says with a small smile.

I furrow my brows, "You sure?"

"Yeah, it's fine. Especially since it was he who took you on the date and he should have paid I'd only say its fair some man pays." He smiles.

"Thanks Ben." I smile back.

"I'm still here you know. And I am FULLY capable of paying." Danny says.

"Nope you're done here sir." I reply, grabbing his arm.

"For fucks sake." He replies as i pull him out.

We crawl into the back of Ben's car and Danny lays his head on my lap as we sit and wait.

"I love you, Ali," he says.

"You're drunk, Danny, shut up."

He pouts but does as he's told and soon is softly snoring. I sigh to myself. I knew this wasn't going to be easy.


Sorry guys I know It's been a long ass time since I updated but I've been house hopping because I've been homeless for a few months and I've been dealing with a lot of personal stuff. I shall try to update soon k? :)

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