Chapter 8 (part 1): The Note

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HEY GUYS! so i realized i hadn't updated in forever, and you guys probably hated me, so i wrote a chapter. This is only part one!!!!!!!! (I know it's shorter than usual, so I'm sorry! but the second part will be really soon!)

Dedication goes to food lover 19, but for some reason, Wattpad couldn't find them for the dedication button. They got the dedication because 1. they're comment made me smile, and 2. I had planned on the idea they said, but something else came to mind. so your guess was originally right!

hope you all enjoy it!

Make sure to read the Author's note at the end!

*NOTE: my Microsoft Word is broken, so there are grammar, spelling, and capitalization errors without a doubt. I wanted to upload it as soon as possible, so forgive me for doing absolutely ZERO editing!

love you guys!


Chapter 8 (Part 1)

Danielle's P.O.V. 

"WHAT THE HELL?" I heard Taylor scream, Antonio and I fell apart immediately, and Antonio fell off the bed, while I grabbed the covers to cover myself. But when we both looked up at the door she wasn't there. 

"Something's wrong." Antonio's still husky voice sounded from beside me, "I think she's outside." We hurriedly picked up our articles of clothing, throwing them on, and rushed to the door. Right when we reached the door, and I went for the handle, Antonio stopped me. 

"Danielle, we need to talk about what just happened." 

"Are you kidding me? We just heard my best friend scream and you want to talk about our relationship? Fine. Let's fucking talk. It was a mistake. A big, huge, giant mistake." I made sure not to look at him, not wanting to see his reaction, and swung the door open, making my escape. Antonio was about to call after me, when one of the pack members screamed, 

"Alpha! We need you!" 

Dashing down the hallway, we were met with chaos. Pack members were panicking, and everyone seemed to be crowding in a mass around the front door. Pushing our way to the front, we were met with an even more chaotic site.  

Taylor was crying over a barely moving body. Getting closer I realized the body belonged to Angelo. 

"Angelo! Where is the rest of the patrol?" Antonio fell to his knees besides his best friend, letting his Beta clutch onto his arm. As soon as Taylor saw me, she collapsed into my arms, a crying mess. 

"They-"he coughed, "They didn't make it, they weren't" this time he coughed up blood, "weren't fast enough."  

"Use the mindlink, save your strength friend." Antonio replied. Angelo fell into silence, staring at Antonio, clearly communicating for mindlink. Eventually his eyes closed, and Antonio immediately took charge.  

"Get me a medical team now!" he roared, the Alpha tone in his voice making me flinch, "Carlos! Daniel! Jackson!" he called out, causing the wall of meat, and his thugs behind him, to step forward. "Take the Luna to safe zone seven. Let no one follow you. If anything happens to her, I'll make sure you all bleed inside-out before I'm done with you." 

"Yes Alpha!" the responded, before grabbing me, but I had already dodged them, and hid behind Antonio. 

"I am not going anywhere!" I yelled,  

Seduced by an Italian Alphaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن