chapter three

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Harry and Jeremy Potter and the Philosopher 'stone.

Chapter Three

Harry ate his food while he talks to Hermione about what they might learn this year. Jeremy just shakes his head and laugh quietly to himself. Jeremy turns towards one of the kids he saw at the train station.

"Why didn't you let our mum helped you out," The red head said.

"Well, we kinda knew that she was expecting us to be there, oh come off it, if your mother suddenly forgot where the platform is then it was a setup," Jeremy said to the red head. "We knew where to go because our Aunt told us, Our mother was her Sister,"

"How can a muggle know where to go?"

"Our Aunt isn't a muggle, she is a witch she didn't come to Hogwarts, When Dumbledore didn't let her come to Hogwarts she went to a French wizarding school," Harry said quickly then went back to the conversation he was having with Hermione.

"But that still doesn't answer my question,"

"Our Aunt told us where to go and we don't talk to strangers," Jeremy said to the red head.

"But we aren't stranger your parents were friends with my parents,"

"But we never met you guys in our life and I never saw you so you are strangers," Jeremy said. "Ok, I'm done talking to you bye bye,"

Jeremy turns to Neville and started to talked to him. Percy Weasley couldn't believe what he heard. A Potter being rude to a weasley. He really needs to talk to his mother. They really need to make sure that never happens. He turns away and began talking to his girlfriend again.

Jeremy heard what the weasley was saying to his girlfriend. And He didn't even bother with it. He and his brother weren't going to their house for the summer. He doesn't even know them he knew that his brother and he might go to Hermione's or Neville because Jeremy knew that he and Neville will be best friends for a long time.

Once the feast was over Dumbledore send them away to go to bed. But Harry wasn't planning on going to bed just yet. His Aunt gave Him and his brother a letter from their dad saying that they had a map of Hogwarts and it was in the caretaker's office. He pulled Hermione and his brother aside.

"Jer, we need to get the map and we need to find the caretaker's office, I need Hermione's helped because two smart people might be able to do something," Harry said. Hermione looked at Harry.

"Or if we can we can use a summoning charm," Hermione said. She herself as be practicing on her own somewhere she couldn't get caught and she got it down. "What is the map called?"

"Marauder Map," Harry and Jeremy said together.

"That's creepy," Hermione said.

"Oh, Come on Hermione,"

"You know you,"

"Love us,"

"that even more creepy how can you two know how to do that," Hermione asked. "Accio Marauder's Map,"

"It's a twin thing, Mione," Harry said smiling. Then 10 seconds later a piece of parchment came to them and Hermione put in her pocket real quick and she pulled the two boys with her and made before the Gryffindors could enter the tower.

"Ok, boys on the right and girls on the left," Percy said.

"Meet down here when everyone is asleep and we will show you what they map is Mione," Harry said. Hermione nodded and went upstairs to get dress for bed. When she thought everyone asleep she got up and grab the map that she was under her pillow and went down to the common room. She saw Harry and Jeremy trying to get each other in a head lock. She giggles and pulled them away from each other.

"Now tell me why this was important to get again," Hermione said but couldn't get an answer when two people came in.

"I'm telling you George I don't have the map with me," the red head said. He stops and saw a parchment in Hermione's hand. "That's it can we have it back it's ours,"

"Actually it's belongs to us, it was our dads," Harry said to the twins. "So it's my and my brother's map not yours,"

"Oh, if it its your dads then why doesn't he prove it," Fred said to them in a snippy tone.

"He can't because he is dead and he was killed by Voldemort, and we know how to open the map," Jeremy snapped back. "I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good,"

"And there is our family's Marauder's name," Harry said smiling. "Prongs was our dad, Padfoot is our godfather Sirius, and Moony is our Uncle Remus, and Wormtail is the traitor who sold our parents to Voldemort,"

"Harry, that reminds me we need to get Sirius free from prison, He is innocent and Wormtail is the one who kill our parents, dad told us what he looks like and maybe we use the summoning charm we can get him to come to us," Jeremy said smiling at what he was planning.

"It won't work on animals it has to be in a cage or something it is in order to work, But with that we need to have years of training to do that,"

"Well we are sorry to have been rude, now that we know that is a family heirloom you can have it," George said to the twins. And they both left.

"Now tell me what this is," Hermione said to her friends.

"It is a map of Hogwarts our dad and his friends made it," Harry said to Hermione. Hermione looked at the map with a gleam in her eye. She looked at this map and saw it was the most amazing thing in the world. "Now if me and my brother ever go and sneak off somewhere to keep our dad legacy to keep going,"

"Well, count me in because I want to help I'm really good at revenge if you need help with that but I really good at sneaking around here," Hermione said. "I'm finally glad I might have friends here,"

"Well, you are my friend for sure," Harry said as he kisses Hermione on the cheek. She giggles and hid her face with her hair. Harry gave her a smile and sat back down next to her.

"Well, I'm going to go and I'm going to let you guys talk," Jeremy said to his brother and friend and left to go to bed.

"Look, about what I did I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable," Harry said to Hermione.

"Harry, it's alright we are eleven we don't even have romantic feelings because we are too young to know that,"

Harry smile then the two friends said goodnight and went to bed.

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