chapter four

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Harry and Jeremy Potter and the Philosopher 'stone.

Chapter Four

Harry woke up the next morning and got dress. Today was the first day of classes. And he couldn't wait till he gets his timetable. He got his bag and exits his dorm room. He saw his brother waiting for him.

"We have to go before we are late and miss breakfast,"

"Jer, hold on it will still be there when we get down there," Harry said smiling at his brother. They both started towards the Great Hall. When they arrive Harry sat down next to Neville. And Jeremy sat across from his brother.

"Harry, are you ready for classes to start, I really hope we learn a lot this year," Hermione said to Harry.

"Hermione, I'm Jeremy," Harry said smirking.

"Yeah, I'm Harry Hermione," Jeremy said grinning.

"Oh, Sorry it really hard to tell you guys apart,"

Harry and Jeremy started laughing. Hermione glared at the two boys. But she joined in laughing with them as well.

"Well, I hope you two aren't going to be much trouble like your family were," a teacher with a stern face said. "I'm Professor McGonagall,"

She hand out their timetables and left the great hall. Harry toke his timetable eagerly and look at it. He compares his with his brother and friend.

"We have Potions first we better go before we are late," Hermione said getting up dragging Harry along with her. They all enter when the bell rang.

"Sit down now," The greasy hair teacher said. The three friends sat down. "Now before I was rudely interrupt, Potion making is a dangerous art any messing around here you will out of my class,"

Jeremy wasn't paying attention instead he was writing what was on the board. Snape notice this and stop talking.

"Jer, pay attention," Hermione said.

"Well, look at what we have here Jeremy Potter," Snape said. "Tell me Mr. Potter what is a beazor,"

"I don't know,"

"What is the difference between Wolfbane and Monkshood?"

"I don't know,"

What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

"What the hell are you playing at," Harry finally snapped.

"Excuse me,"

"He is a first year so am I he would know what it is that is Third year stuff you greasy hair git," Harry said to the teacher. "I don't even know that and I read a lot,"

"Fifty Points from Gryffindor for backtalk," Snape said.

"No, I going to take this to the Headmaster," Harry said.

Snape growled and contuie with the lesson.

"No one messes with you Jer, except for me, I have that right and no one else has that right understood,"

"Just because you were born first doesn't mean anything," Jeremy said smirking.

Harry punch his brother in the arm and went back to pay attention.


Ron Weasley was trying to figure out how to be friends the potters. Since he was sorted in Slytherin that was a big setback. So he will just have to invite them over for the summer. So he was going to write to his mother to see if this is a good idea. So he got out a parchment and a quill and began writing the letter to his mum. Once class ended he went to the owlry and sent the letter off. He knew it was too soon to ask his mother but better to get it over with then forget about it later. Ron smile to himself. He was going to bring the Potters with him for the summer then one of them will fall in love with Ginny and if they don't Molly said that she will a love Potion. Ginny was with the plan but want to wait till she was sixteen. Molly nodded and said that they will wait. And Molly said to Ginny that she had to make sure none of the boys falls in love because the potion wouldn't work. Ginny said that she wouldn't fail and that she will get one the of the boys to fall in love with her.

Harry fell back in the chair in his common room. It was already lunch time and he was tired.

"Come on Harry," Hermione said smiling. "We only have three more classes and we are done for the day,"

"You, alright you don't look tire, this school has the longest classes," Harry said. "I'm not complaining but these classes will kill us of longest time ever,"

Hermione laughed and pulled Harry with her. Harry smile and walked along the hallways with Hermione. The last class of the day was flying and Harry wasn't looking forward to it. He never knew how to fly a broom much less learn how to fly one. Once he enter the great hall Ron came up to Hermione and Harry.

"Hey, you are Harry Potter wanna be my friend," Ron asked hoping that he will say yes.

"No, I think I know what your family is up too and send my regards to your mother, I didn't know she was losing her memory," Harry said to Ron.

"But she hasn't,"

"Then tell you mother to be a better actor, my brother knew what she was up too,"

"He couldn't possibly know that," Ron said.

"No, he knew your mother was a witch and went to Hogwarts and she has 7 kids which 6 are now attending Hogwarts and she suddenly forgot where the platform was, then yeah he couldn't know what she was up too," Harry said back. He left Ron standing there shock in the face. He sat down at the table and began eating his lunch.

Jeremy came walking in the Great Hall. He saw across from his brother and Hermione. Then he told them why he was late and then 10 seconds later. The weasley twins came in all blue with donkey ears and tail. And all of their hair was gone. The whole Great hall burst into laughter. Harry started laughing and sent a spell and turn the weasley twins legs into donkey legs. Hermione was laughing so hard that she had tears coming down her face. The headmaster stood up.

"Well it looks like they have a competition but right now they need the hospital wing," Dumbledore said laughing. Jeremy stood up.

"Sorry sir but I did this because they turn my hair yellow this spell I put on them will last a month," Jeremy said to everyone. Fred and George's faces fell when they heard that. "Oh, I'm joking it will last for a week,"

Dumbledore nodded and sat back down eating. He wasn't going to punish Jeremy Potter for what he did. It was just a boy using accident magic. But he wanted to know why the boys didn't let Molly Weasley help them onto the platform. Molly told him that The Potter twins knew what to do. And he found that impossible he knew for a fact that his Aunt and Uncle hated magic and thought they would hate them too.

So he told Molly that she was just seeing things and didn't know what she was talking about. But he was going to have to find out what and how the boys know how to find the platform. But Dumbledore told himself that could wait another day.

Harry was in his last class of the day and couldn't wait for it to be over. He didn't want to fly a broom. But it's a lesson on how to fly one.

"Welcome everyone to your first flying lesson, now everyone put your right hand over the broom and say up.

"UP," Harry and Jeremy said at once and their brooms flew up to their hands. "Awesome,"

Harry and Jeremy Potter and the Sorcerer's StoneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon