Chapter 9

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OH MY FLIP 1,400 reads!!!! I'm so flipping happy, I could kill a pigeon. Haha I bet you missed me :) well haha there are way more chapters to come so enjoy!!!!! ~Jack

-------Jack's POV--------

I felt pain in my stomach, I didn't know what it was. I looked down to see a knife jabbed into my stomach. Watching Nicoles eyes locked onto where the knife is placed, she looked like she didn't care about anything. She looked just like me. Did she really not care about me, after I took her to the only place that brought me joy? I guess not, she hates me so much that she's trying to kill me. I hope she realizes that I'm never going to leave her side. I always remember when I first layed eyes on her.


It was two years ago when she was in eighth grade, she was so cute then with her girly dresses and pink bows. Now she's a total scene/emo girl. I like her more than ever because she is still her kind self with some bit of evil inside. I can tell that I can make her mine if I just get her used to me.

----end of flashback-----

I came back to reality and realized I was on the floor coughing up blood. She was just standing there watching me be in pain, she was very naughty, almost like Jane or Sally. She dropped her bloody knife and rushed by my side helping me get up. We argued for a while and I was then whisked away to her front door. She slammed it shut and I fell to the ground once again. I already knew what she was going to do, call the cops.

I got myself the courage to stand up and run away, run away to my home. I didn't know why I was going to my house, there wasn't anything special besides my so called 'family'. I ran across a road into the woods and finally got to my home. I went reaching for the door and slenderman teleported right in front on the handle.

"Move out of the way I don't have time for you."

"First tell me why you haven't been in the mansion for a month."

"Its none of your concern now move out of the way." I said pushing him out of the way and walking inside.

"Its that Nicole girl isn't it? You know Jeff isn't going to be happy when he finds out your hanging out with her."

I ignored him and walked up the stairs and into my room. Right as I opened the door BEN was playing Call of Duty on my ps3. As soon as he saw me in the doorway he turned off the console and walked up to me.

"Hey Jack, where ya been?" He said slightly punching me in the shoulder.

"None of your business BEN."

"Jeff isn't gonna be happy when he hears you've been messing with his girl."

His girl? Jeff hasn't even hung out with Nicole. He barely even knows her. He better back off or I'll kill him.

"How did you know?"

"We've been, well.... kinda, watching you, except for Jeff of course."

I smacked him and left the room. I could hear Ben turn on the PlayStation again and ignored it.

I remembered my stomach was wounded, how could they not have noticed? I went into the bathroom and patched it up, burning it to. I was getting hungry and I walked to the fridge to get a kidney to eat. As soon as I closed the door Jeff was eyeing me up and down while twirling his jagged knife.

"So I heard you were with Nicole, I thought I told you to stay away from her." I saw him step closer.

"She's mine Jeff, back off. She doesn't even know you. I have her wrapped around my finger."

"Oh, is that so, as soon as I introduce myself she'll want me instead of you, she has read about me online you know."

"Just because your a popular 'creepypasta' doesn't mean she's going to like you."

"Well see about that."

He ran out of the door and started to sprint to her house. Oh God, I ran after him hoping he doesn't outrun me. I can't imagine what will happen if he gets there first. He could steal her away from me.


Ahhhhh cliffhanger, and two chapters in one day!!!! I'm watching the Broncos game right now, GOOOOOO BRONCOS!!!! Haha don't be a Broncos hater, haha I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, full action packed. ^_^ the next one will be full drama haha. Till next time, tell your friends, family, dog, cat, bird, pigeon, whatever it is to follow, vote, and comment! Bye ;)

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