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Well shit. I need a rant right now. Okay, Justin and I have our one month anniversary tomorrow. He's at a friends tonight.

And that bothers me. But I'll get over it because yeah. I just will. But anyways, I love him to death. He's my pride and joy. But.

His best friend. Which is my ex best friend (And I honestly don't know why we stopped talking), that I've had a crush on for the past 10 months. Everyone knows.

I told the person about a month ago, because we stopped talking around December but he continued to talk to our other best friend (For the sake of identity, this person will be called Moo) Moo.

So around the last of April they started dating and Moos boyfriend (Panda,a great friend of mine) came to me and was completely depressed ect.

And then everything got better. Until yesterday night. If you follow my Snapchat I went out with Moo to a skating ring and hung out.

I texted the crush and asked if he wanted to come down. (Obviously he didn't and I'm glad he did because i don't know I just can't stand it.)

So yeah. Moo got all depressed and shit because she can't talk to him. (Back story: When they where "dating" she was still talking to Panda and so she had crush come over.

He came over, they talked, Moo explained that they couldn't date because of Panda, but they cuddled and kissed,ect. And my boyfriend was there to chaperone.

Which I later get pissed about and still am tbh. But anyways, the neighbors end up telling her mom about Crush and Justin coming over.

She gets in huge trouble, and then her mom finds out she's into BDSM, DDLG, ect. So she then gets all her apps taken away, she's not aloud to speak to Crush because of the things he called her, ect.

So she talks to him at school but Panda finds out. Now school ended and I'm the only one talking to Crush and she acts depressed (but she's really not.)

So yeah. We ended up talking the whole night, and where friends again. But anyways, Justin went to his friends, Crush was there.

I was talking to crush until Justin took his iPod and started talking to me. Now I'm scared crush won't talk to me because of Justin.

But yeah. Just ugh. Also, I don't know if I really wanna be with Justin. I mean yeah, he makes me happy, ect ect. But just... Crush.

That's all I really know what to say. Also I got bangs, but people are like "They look so cute, adorable,ect".

It honestly made my day when Crush said that they look better then any other girls. And he doesn't like bangs on a girl. But yet he said that to me.

Anyways. That's all.


That was an extremely long chapter. I'm so sorry about it too. But I just needed to get it out. I told Panda about Moo still liking crush.

He ended up blocking me or something. I don't know. I don't really care I'm not worried about him. But yeah.

Please tell me what you would do if your in my position because I honestly have know fucking clue.

But yeah, I got bangs, I'm working on a new body. High schools gonna be different and so am I.


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