So that happened...

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Ariana's mind:
Sabrina, Becky, and Brittany walked in on all of this drama. Everyone stops and looks at them and it's silent. No one really knew what to do next. Sabrina gave me a look and knew what had happened with out anyone needing to say anything. Becky just had her jaw hanging down to the ground. My sister was just as scared as me. Everyone had just had such a big day we needed to eat and so it's a good thing that they brought sushi to the house for everyone. There was enough sushi to have for the next week. I just don't know what was going through everyone's mind but my own.
Becky's mind:
Hi I'm Becky I'm Rose's little sister and I'm 14 my best friend is Brittany. When I walked in I was just standing there freaked out. My jaw had dropped to the ground. I was sweating so much I pretty sure I just bathed in my own sweat. I'm kinda just ready to go home.
Brittany's mind:
I'm Brittany I'm 14 and I am Ariana's little sister. We stepped inside and I almost dropped the food I was so scared. All I saw was the knife, bleach, and pills and knew what was going on. Some how I knew it was going to be hard for my sister to figure this out I just can't wait to get home to have a sleepover with Becky.
Sabrina's mind:
Right when we got inside I knew exactly what had happened. Everyone's face kinda gave it away and what I saw on the table did too. I'm kinda glad I got here when I did because everything stopped it was like time was frozen. The girls just wanted to see their sisters and I just wanted to see my friends but not like this. What led to Mimi wanting to kill herself? I'm so confused. She wouldn't joke around about this. I know things have been hard on her. With Steve having cancer, her family struggle, her almost breaking her arm. It's all so much and now fighting with her friends. This is just not her month right now. I feel horrible.
Marks mind:
I didn't think things would get this bad but it's bad. I hate when the girls fight because the guys always get involved. I'm pretty upset. I just choose to keep it secret. Things have gone to far and someone has to do something about this.
Luke's mind:
How did things go so south? So fast? When you try to help it only gets worse. It's been almost an hour and nothing has happened really. I hope we can just figure this out. No one needs to fight like this. Maybe it's not the best time to say I have to pee right now.
Rose's mind:
What just happened?! I'm losing who I am. This fight shouldn't of happened and Mimi should have never gone to this extreme. I'm so mad I could punch a wall. I felt so bad I left while everyone was silent and got Mimi a skateboard with skulls (because she loves skulls) and I gave it to her. With a note saying "I'm sorry skate away to your journey I love you." Mimi's face lit up as a tear ran down her face. I'm so happy she didn't kill herself. The police are coming to check on Mimi to make sure she's okay. I hope she is.
Cole's mind:
I'm so nervous. I feel like this is my fault. If I would've got there sooner this would've never happened. I'm so mad! I can't believe this is happening! And to top it all of Jaclyn just posted an update on Facebook saying Mimi is an idiot for trying to kill herself! Jaclyn has been attacking Mimi since 5th grade. She thinks she's all that and it has to be about her but everyone hates her so. I'm about to lose it on someone and I think it's gonna be her. I want to shot someone and just kill this planet ugh!
Mimi's mind:
The reason I wanna kill myself is because of my life. First I have family struggles. My brothers lately have been excluding me and me and my dad have been fighting like crazy and I barely see my mom anymore because her work. Then one of my best friends Steve gets cancer and it's been rough. When I was playing soccer I got hit with a ball and we thought it was broken but I'm glad it wasn't. Now I'm fighting with my friends. It meant a lot for Rose to get me that skateboard. I know me and her have been fighting like crazy but I still care and love her. I'm hoping we can work this out. Everyone's spending the night except for Becky and Brittany the guys are downstairs on the couch and the girls are upstairs so let's see what happens in the morning.

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