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Pete's party already pretty much had more than half of the school here already, and it's only been an hour. There were people drinking anything with alcohol, and other people drinking soda because they're designated drivers. Pete only let his friends stay the night if they wanted to or if they couldn't drive. Anyone else could call an Uber.

Dallon was hanging out with Tyler, Josh, Sarah, and Hayley for a while, and looking for Brendon at the same time. They could tell Dallon was looking, he kept getting distracted whenever they tried talking to him.

"Dal?" asked Sarah.

He didn't answer.

"Dallon!" yelled Hayley.

"Hm? Oh, sorry, wasn't paying attention."

"Yeah, we know. Look, Brendon will come when he comes, he told Pete he would be able to go," said Tyler.

"Yeah, but what if Ryan's with him? I probably won't even be able to get a moment alone with him if he comes."

"Looks like you got nothing to worry about. Look who just showed up by himself," said Josh.

Dallon looked over to the front door, and saw Brendon. By himself. Thank. God. Dallon thought. He started to make his way over to Dallon and everyone, and he greeted himself to everyone.

"Hey! We barely saw you the rest of the week, what happened to you?" asked Sarah.

"Oh, you know, Ryan and everyone. He's been trying to be a better boyfriend lately, and he wouldn't even let me out of his sight. On the bright side, I like that he's trying, he's amazing."

Dallon just nodded, no comments. He couldn't handle all this curiosity anymore, if he had to hear one more word of him and Ryan, he was going to explode.

"Hey, Brendon, can I talk to you? Alone, if you don't mind."

"Oh, yeah, sure."

Before they left, Josh told Dallon, "go get 'em, tiger!" and Dallon gave him a slap on the head.

Dallon led Brendon upstairs into Pete's bedroom, and thank god there wasn't anybody hooking up in there on his bed.

"What did you wanna talk about?" Brendon asked.

"So, um, I'm not really sure how one can be subtle about this, so I'm just going to be very blunt: the day I met you in homeroom on Wednesday, I noticed something different; I started seeing colors. And that confused me because Ryan and you are soulmates. Unless... You know..."

"Yeah... Well, I haven't told Ryan this yet. When we started dating, he started seeing colors, but I didn't. It's like a rare thing that happens when one person has more than one soulmate, but the other soulmate isn't soulmates with them."

"Here's my question: did you start seeing colors too?"

"...I did, yeah. Blue?"

"Uh huh. And at lunch, when Hayley made us hold hands, yellow?"


"So... What are you going to do about Ryan?"

"I'm gonna have to tell him, obviously. Soon though, I promise, I won't procrastinate over it."

"Okay, but really, take all the time you need to tell him."


Dallon fell into Pete's bed, and felt exhausted, and it was only 11. Brendon lied down next to him, and snuggled up a little bit closer.

"So, what do we do now?"

"Well, a little birdy told me that one starts seeing more colors when they do more romantic things with their soulmate."


"I don't know, cuddling I guess? Keep in mind, I've never had any experience in the dating world."

"That sounds like a great idea. Lucky for you, I'm the best cuddler around."

"I'm pretty sure I would beat you in being the best cuddler."

"You wanna bet?"

"I don't have to, I know I am."

"We'll have to see about that."

Brendon got much closer to Dallon, and he put his arm around him, and held him close. Dallon looked at him in the eyes, and he just smiled.

"This is a little weird when you think about it too much, like you meet this one person you're supposed to spend the rest of your life with, and it's kinda weird because it's sorta like a rushed relationship- wait, what are you looking at?" asked Dallon.

"Your eyes. I never noticed they were blue. They're pretty."

"Thanks. I would compliment your eyes, but I have no idea what color they are."

"I don't either, but we'll find out someday, don't worry."

"Hey, wait, you see that?"


Dallon pointed at one of the posters on Pete's wall, and Brendon looked at it.

"Oh... New color. Green?"

"Yup. It's weird, we're never able to see these colors until we met our soulmate, but when we find out who the person is, and we see a new color, we already know the name of the color."

They spent a little while in there on Pete's bed, next to each other feeling each others warmth. Brendon buried his head into Dallon's shoulder, and closed his eyes for a bit. Even though Dallon didn't know very much about him yet, he knew that we was grateful that someone like him was his soulmate.

Colors (Brallon AU)Where stories live. Discover now