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Dallon woke up before everyone, but Brendon woke up shortly after him. He looked over at Dallon, and smiled remembering the events of last night.

"Good morning, beautiful," said Brendon, kissing Dallon's cheek.

"Nicknames already? Buy me dinner first, Brendon."

"Shut up, we're literally soulmates, take the compliment."

"Okay, fine. How'd you sleep?"

"Like a baby that doesn't wake up crying at three a.m."

"Mm. Wait, did that kiss on my cheek bring any new colors?"

They both looked around the room searching for a new color. Still the same blue, yellow, green, and red. They both sighed.


"Well, speaking of a kiss, that little talk we had last night. . ."


"No one's awake to tell us we can't. . ."


(A/N: Hey! Just thought I'd let you guys know that whenever I write a word like that one up above, the person talking isn't stuttering, they're just saying the word longer if that makes sense.)

"You know... We could do that thing right now..."

"God, you're so cute when you're awkward."

Brendon sat up a little and grabbed Dallon's neck gently. Dallon leaned his head a bit and held Brendon's cheek. They both leaned in, and they're lips crashed together. Dallon thought Brendon's lip felt kinda soft and spongy, Brendon thought Dallon's were a little soft too, but also kinda scratchy, he guessed. Rough, kinda. He liked it. The kiss deepened as Brendon started kissing Dallon's lips harder.

When they parted lips, they looked at each other and noticed something very different.

All the colors.

All the colors for them to see.

All the colors for them to appreciate together.

"Dallon. . ."

"Brendon. . ."

"We just. . . And then. . ."

"Heh, yeah, I know."

"Everything looks like a rainbow. . . I love it."

"I love you."


"I love you."

"I love you too, Dallon."

They kissed again, and they heard a little "aweh" in the middle of their kiss. They stopped and looked at Hayley and Sarah, who were watching the whole thing.

"How long have you guys been watching?"

"Since Brendon said, 'good morning, beautiful,'" said Hayley

"You guys are even cuter than Tyler and Josh, and they're hard to beat when it comes to couples."

"Pft, we can't be that cute," said Dallon.

"Pft, sure we can."

Brendon looked away from Hayley and Sarah, and back at Dallon. He loved looking in his eyes. The deep blue that were Dallon's eyes reminded him of the ocean. He loved that the first color he saw was blue, and that blue was the color of Dallon's eyes.

"Dallon, what color are my eyes?"

"Mmm... Dark brown. Why'd you wait to ask me instead of someone who could see them?"

"'Cause I didn't really think much of it. Brown is such a dull color for eyes, I wish I had something nice like green."

"I like my blue eyes."

"I love your blue eyes."

"Eugh, stop it you two, I'm about to throw up," said a sleep Tyler. His voice sounded groggy.

"You're just jealous because they're better than you," said Pete, walking in, Patrick following behind him.

"Oh, be quiet, Pete. Did I miss anything between my two favorite lovebirds?" asked Patrick.

"In a nutshell, they made out. It was freakin' adorable. It got intense. Brendon was practically about to eat Dallon's face. They said they love each other. Mo' colors," said Hayley.

"Aweh, that's great, you guys! I'm so happy!"

"Yeah, we are too," said Dallon.

Dallon was sitting with his legs crossed in a circle kinda shape, and Brendon laying down on his lap. He kept looking up at Dallon, and saying stupid things that made them giggle.

Dallon was happy. Brendon was happy. Everyone was happy. This was great. Dallon thought Brendon could possibly be the best thing that ever happened to him. Brendon thought he might be the luckiest man on earth because of Dallon. And it had only been a week since they met.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2017 ⏰

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