Chapter Two

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Miyu's pov

The next morning I woke up to birds chirping and bright sunlight coming through my window.

I yawn and stretch before I grab bubbles. "Good morning bubbles..." I whisper slightly, still not fully being awake. Bubbles and I made our way to the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth.

Once I was done with that I went to my closet to pick out a outfit. It was a blue skirt, black shirt that had a floral pattern on it, with a pair of black boots.

After I was done changing I headed downstairs in hope of finding someone Who could help me find the kitchen.

I soon stumbled across the twins who seemed to be going in the same direction as me. "U-uh..." I mumble out loud end for them to hear

"What do you want?" They asked in a confused tone

"C-can y-you s-show me w-where I w-would go for breakfast" I managed to stutter out. 'Thanks a lot shyness, you made me look stupid in front of my new brothers' I think to myself

The both of them nodded and led me to a huge dinning room where a maid waited. "Hello Miss. Hitachiin what would you like to eat today for breakfast?" She asks in a sweet tone. 'Only if you knew how fake you sound' i thought as i mentally rolled my eyes.

"I would like just some toast and a apple" I replied using my innocent act very well. The maid nodded and immediately went to go get my food.

I sat down at the table and noticed my brothers were still there "Onii-chans?" I ask still keeping up my cute act. The two mischievous twins just shrugged and walked off probably to go to school. As they left the room the maid came back with my food. I smiled and thank the maid and started eating.

"Maybe today you can see you brothers during there club activity" the maid said with a soft smile. "Do you really think I could do that?" I asked her in my small voice. "Of course, if the chairman and you mother say it's alright"

Once I was done eating, I quickly ran to my mother. "Mommy do you think I could see my onii-chans today at their club activities?" I asked while bouncing up and down with excitement.

"Of course dear, I'll contact the school chairman and ask him right away" my mother said. I smiled and ran off to my room.

'I can't wait to see them again'

Sorry for not updating >~<  I'll try to update more often :) so please comment and vote. If you have any plot ideas or anything please contact me thank you!!!!!!

The Hitachiin's adopted sister!? (On hold) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora