One: The Party Takes a Turn for the Worst

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"Boys, another tour has come and gone. And you did a fantastic job."

The lads and I all hoot and holler, giving each other high-fives and fist bumps and slaps on the back. Just a couple of days ago in Australia, we said goodbye to our opening act, 5 Seconds of Summer, and high-tailed it back to the U.K. Sweet, smoggy Britain where it's always either raining or snowing. The "Take Me Home" Tour was officially over.

"You'll be paid within the week. The money will be put into your bank accounts. Don't want to worry about losing a check," says Mark, one of the many tour managers that Modest! Management has assigned to us.

Zayn raises his hand. "Exactly how much are we getting paid?"

Mark shrugs. "I don't know. Do I look like a financial advisor?"

"Well, you don't seem to be pulling your hair out at the sight of so many numbers. I'd say no," I smirk.

Mark glances in my direction and applauds. "Good job, Louis," he says.

"Excuse me, you've got a bit of sarcasm on your tongue," Harry comments.

Our manager looks away, squeezing his eyes shut and bringing one hand to his head in frustration. Operation Annoy Management: success.

"Just know that we'll be calling you back for rehearsals for the next tour in March," Mark says through gritted teeth. "Now, leave." We pile out of the room, but not before I overhear, "I swear, they're the reason I'm getting white hairs."

We're all so concentrated on getting out of the conference room that we don't see the small body walking in front of us. I collide with the person, a high-pitched yelp escaping their lips as I go tumbling down on top of them. However, being the first one to leave the room, the others were right on my tail. My fall causes a domino effect. 

"What the--?!" I hear Harry yell as he trips over my body, hopping to the other side.

"Watch it!" I shout. That doesn't stop the other three guys. Liam comes next, only he actually falls and lands right on top of me, followed closely by Zayn and Niall.

"Ow," I hear someone, a woman, moan below me. I glance down and see bright white hair, with violet streaks underneath the top layer.

"Lou?" I question.

A hand moves its way from under my body and strokes a clump of hair away from her face. Sure enough, it's our stylist. I snap out of my thoughts and shout, "Lads! Get your arses up! There's a woman underneath me!" Immediately, that sends them into a scramble. Harry, the only one who didn't fall, helps the others up and, when they're off me, I stand and help Lou to her feet.

She brushes herself off. "You boys weigh a ton. I think a diet is in the future for you."

I bring a hand up to my stomach and say, "Is it that noticable?"

Lou laughs. "Not so much on you."

"We're highly offended by that," Liam declares. "So what are you doing here?"

"Getting paid, of course!" With a shake of her head, Lou straightens. "On a completely unrelated note, you were actually the boys I was looking for. Tom and I are hosting a party to tonight to celebrate the tour."

"And we're invited," Niall finishes.

Lou shakes her head. "No, I was just telling you. But feel free to come and crash it."

"'re basically inviting us to come crash the party that you didn't originally invite us to that was a celebration of the end of our tour?" he asks.

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