Seven: We Find Our Stalker

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"Well, shit," I huff.

The woman immediately directs one of the guns towards me. My hands go up in defense.

"Who are you?" Niall demands.

Her eyes flicker to him, and she lets out a light laugh. "I believe I'm the one with the advantage here. I've got the firearms."

"If you even try to fire one I'll blast you off the roof," I threaten.

"How about this?" She rests the guns on her hips, still pointed at Zayn and me. "I won't shoot you. But I ask the questions. Not you."

Zayn doesn't even hesitate. "Deal."

"Great," she smirks. "Now then, who are you?"

This could get dirty very fast. Using my telekinesis, I push down the button on the earpiece. Knowing that now, whatever is said will be heard at HQ, I step forward. "I'm Marvel. The blonde one is Frostbite, and the other is Voltage. We work for Sidesweep's league of heroes," I explain. 

Watching her closely, I see her guns begin to lower slightly. "Sidesweep? You mean the Sidesweep?"

"The one who helped in the mission to save the president of the United States when he visited? Yes, that one," I add.

The woman's head turns away. "Did you hear that?"

"Hear--" I start.

"Not you," she says. A pause. "I don't know. Do we still go through with the plan?" Another pause. I look at Zayn and Niall; they look about as confused as I am. "They don't seem too bad. Maybe we had the wrong idea, especially if Sidesweep is their mentor," she whispers. "Well, all right."

The woman turns back to us. "My name is Stiletto, like the weapon." She finally puts the guns back into her holsters, and I breathe a sigh of relief. "I'm an excellent gunsman. Fastest hands in London."

"I'd like to see that in action," Niall mutters flashing her a wink. I throw him a look.

Stiletto, completely unfazed by Niall's comment, continues. "If a person even so much as threatens me, they'll be shot and dead in an instant. That kind of power attracts, and because of it, I now work for the London Super League. I'm a two-year-veteran."

"You work for the LSL?" Zayn asks.

"Are you deaf? I just said I did!" she shouts.

"Hey, calm down," I say.

Stiletto shoots me a glare. "We've been watching you five. We watched those first two and were quite impressed. And after watching you, well, we'll see." So they were the ones spying on Liam and Louis.

"We have a proposal for you lads. We're still trying to decide if you're trustworthy or not. I thought you were since Sidesweep is your mentor, but HQ has other plans. So we will give you two tests. You won't know when they will be. You won't know what they will be. But we will be watching you throughout the entire test. And at the end, we'll let you know whether or not we deem you to be a hero or a villain."

What she's saying isn't making any sense. If they've been watching us, they should have seen Liam and Louis take out those guys in the jewelry store. They should have seen me take out a mugger and throw him in jail. Haven't we done enough to gain their trust?

"But just so you know that our threat is real and that we will take you down if you give us any doubts..."

I don't even see her hand grab the gun. But I definitely hear it go off, and I feel the pain of the bullet striking my arm. I cry out, my other hand clutching at the wound. Zayn and Niall come rushing over to me. Amidst the panic, I let go of the button on my earpiece.

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