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What did that word mean? It was a word to describe a group of people related by blood. But for me, I guess blood wasn't enough. I had to be exactly like my family to be accepted, but I was not even close.

I shook in fear as the vampire stalked towards me, my parents watching from afar. I couldn't believe it. I didn't believe it. But it happened.

Her purple hair shined as she walked towards me gracefully, her eyes gleaming with bloodlust. I stood off the ground and staggered backwards, not taking my eyes off the beast. She reaches a hand towards me, a sadistic smile on her face as she caresses my cheek.

She bares her fangs, her eyes turning a deep red. I scream as she grabs my face roughly with her hands, and scratches my face with her long nails.

After a long time of her slashing at me and her failed attempts at biting me, she suddenly got a good grip on my neck and squeezed it roughly, making me wheeze and scratch at her hands.

"This is your fate. Accept it."


I walk down the streets, hugging myself as I stare blankly at the ground. I never thought they would do that. They weren't the best parents in the world, but I guess I was just blinded by their false affection.

People gave me odd looks. I know, a 12 year old girl walking down the street, covered in blood and dirt is incredibly interesting, isn't it?

I suddenly bumped into somebody, and I flinched right away. "Sorry!" I exclaimed and looked down at the ground, trying to go around the person.

The person grabs my arm roughly and I flinch, the touch reminding me off my parents. I rip my arm away from the persons grip and look up at them, only to realize it is a boy who stares at me with a shocked expression.

"You're...covered in blood."

I decided not to make a sarcastic remark and just stared blankly at him as he stared at my bloody state.

"You need help." He says seriously, and lifts me into his arms.

"Wait! I don't even know you!" I squeal and he sighs loudly.

"You're covering in blood and you're worried about me being a stranger?"

"Shut up." I say weakly, before darkness envelopes me.


I wake up with a jolt, and immediately my right hand goes to my neck, there was a bandage where the wounds were supposed to be. I clench my fists and shake my head violently. Will I actually end up being a vampire?

The door suddenly opens and a nurse glances at me before her eyes widen, and she leaves right away. Where am I anyways? I only remember being taken away by that stranger from town.

Wait, how am I clean?! Who bathed me and dressed me?!!

"Hello, I see you're awake." A man with straw-colored hair says as he opens the door. I wrap my arms around myself and nod silently.

"Zero's been worried about you."

I furrow my brows in confusion. Zero?

"Oh, I almost forgot. How're you feeling? You looked pretty bad when you came in." He asks me softly.

"I-" I stop short as I have a hysterical coughing fit. He grabs a glass of water he practically pulled out of nowhere, and hands it to me. I drink it and turn back to him. "I feel fine."

"What happened?" He asks me
I open my mouth, about to answer but decide against it. I shrug, pretending not to know.

The door opens again, revealing the stranger from last night. He glances at me before glancing away. "You okay?" He asks.

I nod and he looks back at me. "I'm Zero Kiryu, by the way."

"I'm Miyako Hoshi." I say with a grateful smile. He looked around 13 years old, and I started to wonder why he was outside that late at night, and how the hell he could carry me. I'm close to 13, but I don't have super-strength like him.

A young girl walks in, staring at me with her big brown eyes. She smiles at me, looking really kind. "I hope you're feeling fine, Miyako-chan."

And with that, my life changed for the better. Headmaster adopted me, seeing as when he requested that I go home, I freaked out and begged him to keep me.

"Why don't you go home to your parents? I would rather be with my parents than with him." Zero asks me as I sit on the couch, my knees up to my chest. I shrug, and glance over at him.

I wasn't ready to tell him what had happened to me, because he probably didn't know about the existence of vampires. I didn't want him to think I was insane or something.

"Where're your parents?" I ask him quietly, hoping I don't hit a nerve.

He clenches his fists and glances back at Kaien, and Kaien nods at him.

"They were a vampire." He says to me, glancing between headmaster and me.

So he does know about vampires.

"We figure that you already knew about vampires, seeing as you had bite marks on your neck. Tell us, what vampire attacked you?" Kaien asks, and my hand shoots up to my neck where the vampire had bit me.

"I...I don't know. That was my first time seeing one." I lie, then look down at the ground. "My parents sold me to a vampire, and the vampire bit me. I don't know if I'll turn into one or not...I'm scared." I say shakily, avoiding their stares.

"I'm sure you'll be fine." Kaien says after a long period of silence. I nod and stand up, wrapping my arms around myself.

"Are we done? I don't want to talk about it anymore." I say as I walk towards the door. I don't wait for the answer as I open the door and make a run for the room Kaien gave to me.


My first fanfiction story thingy! Please follow, vote, and review for the next chapter!


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