Chapter one: Mr. Hypocrite

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Four years later

I enter class, late as always. The teacher grips his book in annoyance, and glares at me. "I wonder why you come, class is almost over!" He scolds me, and I stick the finger at him. "Leave immediately!"

I shrug and glance at Yuki and Yori, also Zero who were watching the whole time. Zero shakes his head at me and Yuki just smiles nervously.

I keep a straight face as I walk out of the class, my hands behind my back. It's not my fault I enjoy my sleep. My roommate makes no effort in waking me up and I don't wanna set an alarm so...whatever.

I skipped the whole year last year and that's why I'm in the same class as Yuki and Zero. Zero was my ditching buddy. We would always work in the stables or something along the lines of that. But now we can't because we have to 'pass'.

I enter the stables and immediately walk over to White Lily. She neighs happily and rubs her nose against my palm as I pet her nose. I chuckle quietly and grab a grooming brush, and proceed to brush her hair.

A piercing pain shoots through me and I clutch my throat, and While Lily neighs in surprise and anger. I back away from her and lean against her gate. I drop the brush and grip the blood tablets in my pocket. I struggle to open the container, and I stop moving once I hear footsteps behind me.

"I know you're in here. No point in hiding." It's Zero. I immediately shove the container of blood tablets in my pocket and stand up, trying to look like I'm not in pain.


"Sorry." I push past him and try to bolt out of the stables but he grabs my arm and glares at me.

"Why are you acting like this?! It's annoying!" He points out. I grit my teeth and rip my arm from his grip.

"Just leave me alone."

His eyes widen slightly but he returns to his emotionless state. I immediately turn away from him and run away, not wanting to go any further into that argument.

Once I'm away from him, I pull out the container again and swallow the blood tablets hungrily. The container was empty by the time I was done, and I threw it off to the side. I lean against the wall and bang my head against it, and proceed to run towards the fountain. I dip my hands in it and pour the water on my face. Refreshing.

I immediately turn around as I feel someone grab my arm again. I look and see Zero, narrowing his eyes at me. "You can ignore me but you can't skip out on our duties."

"I'm not ignoring you. I just..." I say, trailing off. I don't want to tell him the truth. Especially since he despises vampires. Well I do too, but this is different. I want him to like me, and me being a vampire isn't going to help. "I'm tired."

"That's a really lame excuse." He points out, and I blush bright and glare at him.

"Shut up! We're late for the switch now!" I grab his arm and drag him towards the switch, where we see Yuki getting trampled on.

"Yuki!" I yell out nervously as I run to help her up. Kaname the butthead pushes me out of the way and picks her up instead, and I land flat on my butt. "Ow!"

Zero helps me up and turns back to Yuki and Kaname, and he rips Kaname's hand off of Yuki's head. I snicker as Kaname started being a sarcastic asshole towards Zero.

"Why are you two late?! I had to hold off these girls by myself!" She scolds us as she punches Zero, and pinches my cheek. I swat her hand away and Zero pushes her away.

"It's not my fault, it's all Miyako." Zero throws me right under the bus, and my eyes widen.

"Hey! You didn't have to come find me!" I tell him and he scoffs.

"If I didn't you probably would've gotten lost like last time."

"Oh come on! That was a year ago! Let go of the past!" I say, and he glares at the last thing I said.

"I'm gonna speak to the headmaster." He says before turning around, and me and Yuki follow after him.


"...These two are useless!" I was brought out of my train of thought as Zero yells that out. I glare at his back. He's just as useless as us!

"Hey! I won't take that from someone who's late most of the time and absent the rest!!" Yuki yells out and I nod, agreeing with her.

I tune them out after that, but once someone says my name I immediately pretend I was paying attention.

"Miyako, Yuki, you're more his children than I am. Say something." Zero says and I avoid looking up. I have no idea what they're talking about.

"Well...uh the night class students seem to be getting along well with the day class students, I'm just happy to help!" Yuki says all cheery, and I sigh loudly.

Just as headmaster was about to go deep and into the details of the war with humans and vampires, I grab my katana and turn away from them, opening the door.

"And—wait, where're you going?" Kaien asks me. I don't look back as I slam the door behind me, and grip my head tightly. This place is so stupid. Humans and vampires co-existing? That's ridiculous. They use humans as food, pawns and nothing else. Headmaster is just a blind idiot. I can't believe Yuki is blinded also. This school is stupid and so is this whole world—

"Let's go." My thoughts get cut off as Zero grabs my hand and drags me away from Headmasters office. I shrug slightly and let him drag me away. "It's time for patrol. Yuki can catch up later."

I nod and follow after him, but he suddenly stops. "Are you gonna tell me what's bothering you so much?" He asks without turning towards me.

"Don't worry about it." I say quietly, pulling my hand from his hold. He clenches his fists and glances back at me, narrowing his eyes.

"How can I not? You're not acting like yourself and—"

"Don't try and make it your job to take care of me!" I snap at him, and he grits his teeth in annoyance. "I'm...perfectly fine. I've just had a lot on my mind lately. Sorry for snapping at you." I apologize, and he sighs loudly.

"You should talk about it."

"I'm not very good at explaining myself, Mr. Hypocrite." I huff, and he narrows his eyes at me. "You shouldn't worry about me anyways." I tell him with a slight shrug, and walk away from him. "I'll go on ahead. You can catch up with me later if you want."


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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2016 ⏰

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