Chapter Four

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September 3rd 2009


"We can't keep doing this" Carmen whispered pulling her skirt up she was right but something about her couldn't keep me away.

"If your wife finds out she'd freeze hell" Speaking of Kim I had went back home only because I had just enough information to for Remys case. O'dells family and I were going head to head.

"I'll see you at the office tomorrow" She smiled turning on her heels and walking out the hotel room.

"Where are you Ant" Kim practically yelled in my ear.

"I'm leaving a meeting baby what's wrong ?"

"I didn't want anything I just want you to come home ant I'm lonely I miss you" Her voiced sounded different from the usual.  "I'm on my way" I lied. Actually I had other things to do I had to meet up with O'dells family.


"Where have you been ? " I looked up to see Kim with her bags packed. My eyes wandered the suit cases packed by the door to her. "Where you going Kim ? " I questioned following her.

"Away from you Anthony ! I can't do this with you a-"

"What you mean you can't do this ? Can't do what ? "

"Let me go Ant I'm not playing with you I'm twenty four years old I refuse to spend my life like this coming second to everything" She yelled in my face as her light grey eyes turned dark.  "We can work this out Kim I'm sorry" I sighed.

"You put Remy before me, you put Islah before me, you put Carmen before me , you pu-"

"I'm sorry Kim !  I'm sorry come here" She rested her face in the crook of my neck crying her eyes out.

"You don't love me anymore ant I know you don't"

"I always love you Kim don't never forget that" I rubbed my hands up and down her sides cause I knew it would calm her down and stop her crying.

"I just need some time " She pulled away from me.

"How m-"

"I don't know Ant" I watched as she shut the door behind her and get into the limo.


"Momma when you coming home I miss you" I twisted my lips and frowned.

How do I tell my baby girl there's no chance of me ever getting out ?

"Soon baby" I lied. I hated it but I couldn't see Islah broken like that she's my whole heart it literally fractured my heart when I read her letters.

You have two minutes left.

"Momma you gone call tomorrow ? "

"Yes baby the phones hanging up I love you"

"I love you more mommy I'll be waiting on you" She said before I heard the phone cut off I slowly placed the phone back on the hook.

I was confused on why I was still even on earth, I didn't have any family, I couldn't be near my daughter, I was stuck in jail for defending myself.

It only made it worser over the years I've only got to see my baby grow up through pictures, I was supposed to be taking these getting copies of these.

"You alright girl ? " Dee said as we made our way through the cart yard.

"You know it's about thirty cases that has been wrongfully accused and no fair voicing" She informed me.

"Girl I hope I'm one" She suckled nudging me a bit.

"I know my a-"

"Ms.Ross" The officer yelled as many other guards came out. My heart started to slowly drop why are they yelling ? Why is my name being called ?

"I need you to take a seat of there with the rest of the ladies"He said hand cuffing my hands I sat there confused not knowing what I did.

"Alright it's twenty ladies"

"Whea' is we goin ?" Ms. Shelia asked me as I shook my head not knowing either.

"We'll explain that when we get inside" Officer Dickerson said eyeing me.

"Well as you ladies know there's has been thirt-"

"I'm going home ? " I said looking up.

"As I was saying, you ladies have been wrongfully accused of these crimes now the attorneys they'll deal with that later" they announced.

"Since we are shipping new women in you all will be leaving at nine in the morning sharp"

"We really get'n of hea ? Y'all as-"

"She happy to go home" I smiled as the officer side eyed us. "Is you crazy talking to them white folks like that you want them to keep you here ? " I giggled.

"Naw dawlin I see you in tha mawnin" She blew me a kiss. I nodded walking into my cell I started to get sad all of sudden.

Where am I going to go ?

How am I going to provide ?

Where am I going to live ?

Next morning

I watched as all the other ladies left. I didn't have anyone's number I tried calling Sassy and Ant but neither one of them answered.

"Take this it'll get your through the week" Officer Dickerson said placing three hundred dollar bills to me.

"T-Thank you" I said looking up as he flashed me a smile and looked like he had tears in his eyes.

"Ima miss you I watched you grow up" He pointed out maybe he said it the wrong way which ever way he meant he rubbed me the wrong way.

I catches the cab downtown my cab fair came out the sixth dollars the prison was indeed a little far.

I hadn't heard from Ant since July and I pretty much didn't care though I was use to people showing up and leaving.

Walking out of the Motel's office I was disappointed I couldn't even get a room. I didn't have any identification on me when I was locked up all I had on was a bare night grown with Odells blood all over it.

Maybe I should've kept my behind in prison this was the real world and I don't think I was ready for it.

I knew I wasn't ready for it !

- Ant did all that work for no reason ?

- What's the best way for her to go now ?

- Ms. Shelia ?

- Y'all see where I'm getting at ?

More coming soon 😉

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