Kids With Guns

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"We can't just leave them in there!"

"Just don't talk about it. Death is a part of life, Kevin. If we dwell on those who've died, we won't truly be living."


"I'm done talking about this... get your shit and let's go."

It's been a couple days since that incident. None of us have spoken a word of Steven or Toby. I guess Arin's right when he says we shouldn't dwell on it, but we shouldn't forget them completely.

"Alright," Arin pulls the jeep over onto the side of the road. "I say that we should all switch places. Cause if I keep driving, I'm gonna pass out and kill us all." he chuckled a bit. Mark agreed to drive with Danny taking Suzy's place in the passenger's seat.

"Where are we now?" Jack asked. Arin thought for a second, "I think I saw some signs saying we were in Illinois..." he trailed off. "What do you mean you think?!" Jack exclaimed. Arin shrugged and Jack slammed his head into the door of the jeep.

While I was driving, we ended up on a long stretch of road with no signs of life anywhere around us. We'd pass a couple dilapidated road signs that advertised brands that went out of business years ago, but that only happened a couple times. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Danny starting to fall asleep.

We drove passed one of the road signs when a car started speeding towards us from behind it. I looked into the rearview mirror to see the driver, but all I saw was a shadow. In my opinion, it looked like bandits or something. The car was beat up and a couple of guys were hanging out of the windows with baseball bats in their hands.

"For fuck's sake..." I heard Jack mumble before taking one of the riffles and shooting at them. I tried to grab at him to make him stop, but I heard more gunshots that Jack did not fire. The car spun off the road into a ditch, and there was a separate car behind it. Jack began shooting that one until I finally got ahold of him and pulled him back into his seat.

"What's happening...?" Danny started to stir. "We're being shot at now thanks to Jack!" I said as a couple gunshots could be heard behind us. "Maybe they're hostile!" he said in his defense. "They are now!"

They stopped shooting, but instead sped up and began to pull up next to us. I looked into the window to see a bunch of... teenage girls?

The one closest to me rolls down her window, "Hey what the hell, man! We save your asses and you start shooting us!" she yelled. I turn me head and glare at Jack. "How was I supposed to know!" he folded his arms in a pout.

"Hey, how about we have this conversation on the side of the road!" I suggest. They slow down and park on the side of the road, and I do the same.

We both exit our vehicles and walk towards each other with everyone else in both of our vehicles also exiting the vehicles. Now that I see them all, there were four girls who look about fifteen/sixteen. The one that yelled at me had midnight blue hair that cut off at her shoulders, an Adventure Time BMO hoodie with a t-shirt, jeans, and blue converse. The one I would assume is the driver had brown shoulder length hair with fire-like highlights, a red flannel, a red neckerchief, jean shorts, and red converse. One got out of the back and had black curly hair with a blonde streak in a ponytail, a t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. Then the shortest one had red hair in a ponytail, freckles, a white hoodie with multiple stitches on it, jeans, and white converse.

"Please explain the set of circumstances that occurred before you decided shooting us was the greatest possible idea." the blue one demanded with her arms folded. "Uh, well, first we were just driving and then these bandits came up behind us and Jack over there started shooting them. Then I saw them spin out and you guys were there, but Jack continued to shoot for some god damn reason." I glared at him once more. "Alright, fuckface, don't test me. I'm the one with the army training, so I can shoot off your face like it's nobody's business!" Jack pointed at me in anger. "I could dead lift you, y'know. I'm the one with the muscular body. So how about you shut the fuck up and take your mistake like a man!" "Come at me scrub lord, I'm ripped!"

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