My creations

19 1 5

So, i made my own wallpapers and stuff, bc i was bored. Tbh, i love them. And now i'm here to share it bc they dont look that crappy. Along with them are lines from my favorite songs. Can you guess them? The first one is the one up there. And here are the others.

 And here are the others

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Okay, this is a screenshot from one of my favorite vids on youtube made by my most favorite ( you all know who he is

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Okay, this is a screenshot from one of my favorite vids on youtube made by my most favorite ( you all know who he is. :p). What video is this?

 What video is this?

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Lol, i has no games. Im a v boring person.

GIRL ONLINE... SOMETIMESWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt