Lucky Im In Love With My Best Friend pt.1

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Ok I realized that this chapter would sound better if Mark and Jack were girls, so Mark is Michelle and Jack is Jessica

Michelle and Jessica have been friends for two and a half years now. Here's how they met. On the first day of school, Jessica forgot her pencil so she asked the person next to her which was Michelle if she'd had one "No this is the only one I have." she said waving her pencil "Fuck." Jessica whispered quitely but not quite enough Michelle laughed "Oops!" Jessica said and those were the first words she said to her she wished they were better but they were theirs. That was last year since then Jessica moved to the Jr. High and Michelle stayed there moving up a grade by that time. Over the summer they become really close friends and talked every day, Jessica didnt want to lose Michelle. But luckily she didn't, they talked all the time over the summer and actually went to the movies a couple times that when she knew they'd be friends for a long time . Once the summer ended in a hazy blur, they went back to school talking every day because they never got to see eachother and going over to Michelle's house to swim or play video games, but by the middle of the year jess had developed severe depression and anxiety and started cutting her self. Sometimes of it was because of life and some of it was because of Michelle by then she already knew she was in love with her. Jessica didnt want to tell her because Michelle was afraid of ruining their friendship but I mean for heaven sakes, they've said I love you on the phone and they both called each other babe most of the time, how could you not notice but she did, kinda theres been an incident were Michelle thought Jess was joking. Michelle was talking about Nick, Michelle's "Brother" they weren't really bother and sister, but they've known each other for a really long time from their swim team and their parents are frinds. They've gone everywhere together, either to swim meets around the state or they even went to Disney World for Michelle's birthday together. Jess was really jealous of Nick and his relationship with Michelle and one night Jess, said that and Michelle thought she was gay of course she denied it but that was a bit earlier, they gotten even closer. When Jessica spent the night over Michelles house there would usually be a body pillow separating them on the bed but she didn't put in between them any more and they'd talk about their feeling to each other and about each other well mostly Jess. Michelle didn't talk about her feelings she didnt like huging either Jess hated it, "Just love me god damnit! We're best friends." You might think jess was totally in love with michelle but that wasn't true. I mean it was but she still liked guys she had a huge crush on Jordan but it was a stupid crush one that would never happen he was too popular and she wasn't he was gorgeous and she was so ugly it would never happen so she stuck with Michelle. Jess loved to stare at Michelle's hazel eyes her wavy hair pretty face and perfectly fit body but she knew she would NEVER like her back, she was too ugly and liked boys a lot shes had so many boyfriends but Jess hadn't even had one.
This weekend Jessica would go over to Michelle's house and confess her feeling and hope she'll feel the same way.

Update: sorry guys there will be no part two to this

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