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"Gabe! Stop! You're going to poke my fucking eyes out." North grumbled. "You better not be making me look ridiculous. If I'm putting on fucking makeup, I'm looking fine as hell in that fucking makeup.

"Relax, It's supposed to feel like this. You're getting your eyeliner done," Gabriel said, his voice tinged with annoyance.

"Why do I even need eyeliner?" North shot back.

"So your eyes show up on camera, idiot," Gabriel stated, his voice rising. He was clearly losing patience.

"Hey! Stop bickering you two. North, we all have to do this, just suck it up," Kota said, ever the calm and collected leader.

"Fine." Was North's grumpy reply.

An attractive young woman in her early twenties came out and beckoned to them. "My name's Lexi, and I'm going to guide you through the modeling process. Remember you're going to be advertising for Allie Kate's sapphires, so we want to make you sparkle in these photos."

"You're adding shimmer?" Silas asked, his eyes shooting open. He sounded appalled.

"No,no, darling. We want your personalities to shine through. We all want you to sparkle like a diamond . . . well, sapphire, on stage!"

"Oh, ok, that sounds better," Silas replied, sounding relieved.

"Hell yeah! We can do that," Gabriel said, pumping his fist in the air.

"Just as long as there's no shimmer involved," Victor said nervously.

"Do we get fed?" Luke asked, a hopeful smile on his face.

"But of course. We have lots of food for you!" Lexi said brightly. "Please, follow me."

The boys walked after her, all seven of them towards the studio. Luke nudged North with his elbow, and whispered, "What kind of food do you think they'll have?"

"You better not take any f**king sweets."

"Stop being such a spoilsport!" Luke said, with a pout that could have melted anyone's inhibitions. Anyone's but North's that is. He merely snorted and turned away to chat with Silas in Greek.

"Alright boys, stand up there and take off those bathrobes," Lexi directed. The boys shed the white bathrooms they had previously been in, revealing the sapphire blue speedos underneath. "Lovely boys, now pose for the camera."It was like a switch turned on in all of the boys heads, as they modeled like professionals. Turning this way and that, striking a variety of poses, that would lead many to ask just how flexible they were.

"Yes! Yes, darlings. Remember we are trying to sell these sapphires! show us longing, pain, now tragedy! You, boys, are naturals," the photographer cried out, as he instructed them on the poses and expressions to do. "Now Silas, was it? Yes, Silas, I want you to pick up victor and hold him, how do you kids say it, yes! Princess style! Mr. North, you do the same to your brother!"

As the two boys re-adjusted their positions to accommodate the extra weight, the photographer snapped away with glee. "You kids are photography gold!"

"How much longer do we have to do this?" Victor groaned, turning to look towards Luke.

"I don't know, but this is actually kind of fun," Luke replied, laughing lightly.

"How can you possibly think this is fun?" North cried in outrage. "You need to lay off those sweets by the way," He said, shifting uncomfortably.

"Hey! Don't be mean, little brother!"

"Don't call me little!"

"For the love of god you two, stop fighting!" Kota called over his shoulder, as he was instructed into an odd yoga-like pose that involved throwing Gabriel over his back like a child when Gabriel was most certainly not a child.

"You guys are doing great!" Lexi called out, trying and failing to keep a straight face. She and most of the staff and camera crew were barely containing their laughter, giggles spilling out every few moments. It really was a sight.

The Doctor and the steel eyesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن