Gallagher Guys

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"Feet up, shoulders back, keep yourself balanced!" Cammie called out, to the clumsy, stumbling boys around her. "Nathan, center yourself or you're going to fall! North and Silas if you keep doing that you'll break the beam. You break it, you buy it. . . or err, pay for it to be fixed!

"Damn it, how do you do this so f*cking easily?" North growled, as he promptly fell off the balance beam in the gymnasium. "Why is it even important?"

"Gymnastics and dance are just as important to teaching you control and building up strength as martial arts are," Cammie stated simply, walking towards them. "We all have to do it. It teaches you how to control your body easier, and that can be useful even in more conventional fighting."

"Well, when the f*cking hell are we going to be doing this 'more conventional' fighting?" Gabriel asked, leaning over and panting heavily. All the boys were covered in sweat, doubled over trying to catch their breath.

Cammie took one look at them and had to bite back giggles. It took every ounce of training in her not to laugh. "Why are we training them anyways?" she asked, turning towards an instructor in the back. "I always got the impression this academy was more of a boy scout type deal."

"I'm not certain what they are, but Gallagher offered to teach a few teams, so here you are." The instructor replied dryly, looking down at her phone.

"Well okay then. I'll work with what I got. Men, line up!" She raised her voice and walked back and forth between them. "I want two backflips into a cartwheel, then backbend, kick over nd stick the landing." Her voice held a great deal of amusement in it, as she regarded the seven guys before her.

"Do the what with the who when?" Luke asked in disbelief.

"That sounds like torture training," Nathan said, cringing slightly in fear.

"Well, we do have that here, but you're not going to learn it. This is just simple gymnastics."

"You have that here?!!"

"We have everything here, now try."

The boys collected themselves into groups and managed to do a few sloppy cartwheels. Luke jumped onto North's back, laughing like a maniac, or rather, laughing like a Luke. within moments, they were all on the ground lying before Cammie. She caught each of their eyes and sighed. "Alright. Let's move onto Martial arts. We can start with kendo, the move on to judo and aikido."

There was a collective intake of breath at her words and a few cries of outrage and protest. "All in one day?"

"Yes, of course, all in one day," Cammie said, turning her back towards them. She put her hands in the air and smirked. "The usual."

"The usual?" Kota asked, raising an eyebrow.

"We aren't the girl scouts, honey."

"Right, of course, you aren't," Nathan muttered, walking behind her.

"Okay, who's sparring with me first?" the room fell into silence. "Okay, I'll just voluntell one of you. You, with the long, blonde hair. Luke, come over here." He walked over to her, and she got into a fighting stance, he followed. When they started it was a blur of motion, and it was apparent that Luke was the underdog from the beginning. "Alright, so the goal is to grab him here on the nape of his neck, place your feet by his sides, and kick." She said, pointing at places on his body while demonstrating.

"What if we cant physically do that?" Victor asked nervously, raising his hand.

"Nut shots."

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