Chapter Five

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I woke up before dawn, and made my way to the cornucopia. I grabbed a spear and some knives and waited. Torrac was the first to show up. I threw a knife at him, and it landed in his neck. One down, four to go.

(Marvel's P.O.V)

I watched as Estra threw a knife in a boys neck. She was vicious, and would fight for her life. I just hoped that she'd win because I feel like I can be myself around her. I can act the way I want around her. She's my rock in a way. I need her, and I can only hope that she needs me.

"What's that band Estra's messing with around her wrist?" Ceaser asks as I look at the tv. "Maybe a token from a loved one?" Claudius replies. I smirk, knowing that she still has it. "We'll just have to wait and see," Ceaser replies as they zoom in on a sneaky Elbora.

(Estra's P.O.V)

I looked at the band around my wrist that Marvel gave me. I need to get back to him. I promised myself I would. I saw Devis from 12 run, more like limp, out to the cornucopia. Cabe, then ran out and snapped his neck.

Jolt runs out of the grassy part of the arena, and attacks Cabe from behind. I watch until I was tackled out of the tree by Elbora. We fought until I stabbed her in the chest with my knife. I pushed her away, and stood up, seeing Jolt lying on the ground dead.

Now it was just me and Cabe. He hadn't spotted me yet, and was spinning in circles. "Come out Estra, it's just you and me," he yells. I smirk as I throw a spear at him. He dodges it, but I run to a different part of the woods, and run at him as his back is turned to me.

He turns at the last minute, and tackles me onto the rocky ground. I knee him in the gut, and push him off of me. We both jump to our feet, and stand fighting. He punches me, and I kick him. He grabs my foot, and twists it, and I grit my teeth as my ankle snaps. He tackles me again, and takes out a knife, trying to stab me.

I have to live.

I need to win.

I have to live for my district.

I have to live for myself.

I have to live for Marvel.

I grab Cabe's wrist, and twist it until it snaps, leaving only his non-dominant hand for battle. I kick him off with my good leg, and stand up, ignoring the pain. I grab the spear I threw at him earlier, and throw it at him. He grabs it, and throws it back.

I caught the spear, and twisted it with my wrist, and chucked it behind me as I turned away from him heading for the cornucopia to get another weapon. I run to the cornucopia as quickly as I could, only turning back to see Cabe on the ground, spear in his chest. I sigh in relief and fall to the ground as the cannon blasts. "Congratulations Lillianestra Imoranda, you are the winner if the 75th Hunger Games!" A voice yells. I smile slightly, the pain from my leg becoming more evident. I got onto the jet, and layed down, eventually blacking out from the pain.

(Marvel's P.O.V)

I watch intensely as I see Estra stab the girl with her knife. "Come out Estra, it's just you and me," I see the Carrer from two shout as he turns in circles. "There's about to be a battle to the death," Ceaser comments.

I see Estra run up behind Cabe, until he turns around. He tackles her, but Estra knees him in the gut, pushing him off of her. He swings at her, her kicking him in the stomach. He grabs her foot, twisting in. "Looks like that hurt," Claudius says. "By the snap I heard, sound like he broke it," Ceaser replies.

Cabe tackles her again, as he takes out a knife, trying to stab her with it. Come on Estra! She grabs his wrist, snapping it. "Oooooo, she snapped his wrist. Now all he has is his left hand," Ceaser says. "As we've seen previously, he isn't the best with his left hand," Claudius comments.

She kicks him off with her good leg, and stands up. I see her grab the spear she threw earlier, and throws it at him. He grabs it throwing it back. She grabs it with her hand, and chucks it underhanded as she turns around, heading for the cornucopia. When she turns around, she sees the boy on the ground, spear in his chest.

She sighs, collapsing to the ground. They zoom in on her face. "Congratulations Lillianestra Imoranda, you are the winner of the 75th Hunger Games!" A voice says, and all I see is her smile slightly before it cuts to Ceaser and Claudius. "Well there you have it, the winner of the 75th Annual Hunger Games is Lillianestra Imoranda. Let's have a recap of her kills shall we," Ceaser says as it shows her kills. She won! I'm so glad that she won!

(Estra's P.O.V)

I woke up to a blinding white light. I sat up, and felt no pain. I had no scars, and no bruises. I stood up, and then remembered everything. The reaping, training, the arena...Marvel. I then looked at my wrist and saw the bracelet he gave me and smiled.

Then a doctor came in. "Congratulations, Estra. I assume that you'd like to go back to your district floor now," he says with a smile, his orange hair sticking out a bit. He lets me change into sweats and a t-shirt before having a peacekeeper escort me back to my floor.

As soon as I walked in, Xina enveloped me in a hug. "I'm so glad you're alive," she chirps. "Me too," I mumble. She let's go, and then Cashmere hugs me. "I knew you could do it," she says with a smile. Then I looked at Marvel. He hugged me, and I hugged back. "Congrats," he says. Then whispers, "Meet me out here tonight at midnight." I nod and we all sit to eat.

It was 5 minutes until midnight, and I made my way out into the main room. I stood looking out the window, until I felt someone standing behind me. I turn around and see Marvel. "Hey," he whispers. "Hey," I whisper back.

"I'm really glad that you won," he says. "Me too," I reply laughing quietly. It was silent a few minutes before he hugs me. I hug him back. We broke away, and I look up and him. He looked back, and pulls me in for an unexpected kiss. It was gentle and sweet, something I wouldn't expect to come from him. He pulls away, and leans his forehead on mine. "I like you Lil," he whispers. "Lil, I like it, only you can call me that, and I like you too," I reply.

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