Chapter 9: Fighting for me

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Quote of the Chapter:
'Everything in your life is a reflection of a choice you have made. If you want a different result, make a different choice. Sometimes the hardest choice is the right choice.'

It was well after Michael and Luke left me, but I couldn't  seem to get them off my mind. Michael from the kiss and worrying about Luke was all that my brain wanted to focus on. Luke left and hadn't called or texted me and it's been over 8 hours. It was 12 in the morning and thoughts swarmed around in my head.

Where were they? Why did Michael leave like that? Why have neither of them called me? Is Luke okay? What did that kiss mean?

I put my hands on my head and I pulled at my hair in frustration. I didn't want to, but I decided to take a pill that my doctor prescribed for me to take in order for me to fall asleep. At this point, I didn't think it was my injury keeping me up.

It was them.

They were always in my head. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get them out. I pressed my room button and a nurse wearing blue and pink scrubs with a pony tail in her hair came in.Her voice was soft, almost like a child's. Her frame was slim and thin. A feeling of safety and caringness washed over me as she stepped carefully over to my bed.

She placed her hand softly of my arm before she said, "What can I do for you sweetheart?"

"Um, can I get a cup of water, please? I know it's late, but I need to take my pill and I-"

She laughed quietly to herself and nodded her head.

"Of course you can"

She smiled at me, sending a calming feeling across my body. As she left, I carefully picked up the pill from the small wooden nightstand. Careful not to drop it, I tightly squeezed it in my palm. Suddenly, my hands were hot and clammy from them sweating.

I hadn't even noticed how hot I really was. My tongue was dry and felt like sand paper running across the roof of my mouth.

Beads of sweat rolled down my face and onto my hair that was currently sticking to the back of neck. I tried to sit up but a piercing pain hit my head and I grunted from the sudden feeling. My fingers drew circles over the area that hurt the most and waited for the pain to subside. I laid back down, this time with no covers over me. I suddenly felt chills travel down my spine. I was freezing.

'What the hell?'

Shivering uncontrollably, I moaned from the pain and put one sheet over my body. The shivering subsided and I stayed still careful not to have another episode.

'It must have just been a side effect from the medication'

The nurse knocked twice and slowly stepped through the doorway. She walked over to me and lifted my head slightly so I could drink from the styrofoam cup. The water was cold, but had no ice in it. I shuddered as the water hit my teeth.

The lady slipped the night lamp on, causing me to squint my eyes from the light being shined without a warning. She apologized quietly and I nodded my head. She stopped and came closer to me touching my chin. She turned my head to one side and traced the side of my jaw to feel my temperature.

"Sweetie, are you alright? You're v-ery pale and are sweating heavily."

My throat was parched and when I tried to reply my voice came out in nothing but a whisper, so I nodded my head.

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