Pizza Dillema!!! OH!

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                                                                          ~In the living room~

Rica: I'M HUNGRY!!

Geegee: Aren't you always?

Roc: It's ok, we ordered pizza from dominoes, and its past 30 minutes which means.....


Shoni: What type did ya'll order?

Prince: Cheese. Is that cool?

Girls: Yeah

-ding dong-

Rica: PIZZA!!! I'll get the door.

All: Okay

* Rica opens the door*

Pizza dude: Delivery!....that'll be 14.95

Rica: Your 20 minutes late.

Pizza dude: No I'm not.

Rica: We called you at 7, and expected you here earlier than 7:30, it's 7:50 almost 8, you came here in 50 minutes so I don't owe you nothin'!!

Pizza dude: Bu-

*takes pizza and slams door in his face*

Roc: Everything okay?

Rica: Yep, just had a misunderstanding with the pizza guy.


Rica: Hell Naw!

Estie: Let's eat!

*Everyone take 2 slices of Pizza*

Roc There's one slice left....

Everyone but Rica: I don't want it!

Rica: I guess it's just you and me Trey.

Roc: Yep...

Rica: First one grabs it wins!

Roc: on the count of 3

Both: 1....2....2 1/2......2 1/4.......2 3/4.....3!

*Both hands land on the pizza*

Ray: Texas, we have a problem.

Prince: Some one let go...

GeeGee: Let go Rica!

Rica: No way!

Prod: Roc let go!

Roc: Hell to the Naw!

Estie: Just cut in half.

Shoni: Goin' through the middle!

*Princeton cuts the last slice in half*

Roc&Rica: Works for me!

Prod: Yall wanna watch a movie?

Girls: Yeah! Sure!

Roc: -looking through netflix- How about....the Crazies!?!

Rica&Estie: Yeah Buddy!

Geegee&Shoni: Nawww

Prince: Okay let's vote...who doesn't want to watch the crazies?

*Shoni, Geegee, and Prod raise their hand*

Prince: Crazies it is!

*Ughs and Yesses fill the room*


sorry gotta cut ya'll off there next chapter with the movie is nxt!!!! comment below tell me how yall liked dis chapter!!!


Stay Mindless

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