Birthday boy

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Tim flopped down beside Austin on the couch, disrupting the younger's idle thoughts.

"Hey." Austin smiled at him, and he returned the gesture.

"How're you feelin', birthday boy?" Tim laid his arm along the back of the couch, "Or is that 'birthday man' now?"

Austin chuckled, "Aw man, don't." He rubbed his hands over his face, but Tim could still see his smile regardless.

"You can try to run from it all you want, but age is gainin' on you. Soon you'll be thinking about retirement." 

Despite his teasing, the brunet tugged his shirt sleeve a little to get him to shuffle closer. Austin obliged immediately, and Tim casually draped his arm across his shoulders, his fingertips tracing circles over the tenor's upper arm.

"Well you'd know, huh?"

Tim gasped dramatically, feigning offense, which gave Austin the giggles. Tim watched him clutch his stomach as he laughed, with a fond smile of his own.

When he'd finally mellowed, Austin rested his head on Tim's shoulder, and spoke with a grin, "You suck."

"Is that a request?" Tim countered quickly, his voice a little lower than usual. Austin laughed in surprise, halfheartedly murmured "shut up!" and gave him a warning elbow to the side.

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