Fancy seeing you here [3]

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After I had made home, I slipped into the bathroom breathing heavily my hand plastered to my head. The blood coating my hand, I quickly reached for a towel moving my hand and replacing it with the towel. 

The thoughts of the current events swirled in her mind, that nagging word 'mate' pounced against the edge of my skull. My thoughts were interrupted by the brief sound of knocking that had occurred on my door, "Hello?" the voice asked; it sounded familiar to- wait hold up. 

"Shit" I spoke to myself, my mind in a frenzy of panic. "I know your here" He spoke the the sound of the front door opening slightly, my eyes darting towards the locked bathroom door then the window. My only ticket out of here was the small glass window, I wasn't every large only just able to accommodate the width of my body. 

My body lifted stumbling sideways, my head spinning; colours of black and white flashing and my vision became hazed and I began to feel dizzy. I had lost to much blood and it was starting to take a toll on my body, the creaking of the stairway signaled that he was growing near. 

I breathed heavily, in this condition I couldn't escape nor walk nor do anything. I looked at the door, the foot steps stopped as I  rushed behind the shower curtain; my knees pulled to my chest, my left hand holding the towel in place. 

"Let me in" He said with a husky voice, you could tell he was annoyed with the tone that he spoke in. I stood completely still, curled up in a shell, my eyes widened as the door swung open. My limbs started to tremble, I could tell he was nearing; I could see the mans shadow through the curtain.

His body reached the shower curtain pulling it open, I stood there shell shock; I was frozen. "There you are" he said looking over at me with a calm expression, I just looked away I could feel the heat radiating off his body. 


I smiled as her reaching for her touch, she recoiled looking at me with terror. I gulped, examining her body language; then my eyes wandered to her head, her small hand held a towel that had been soaked in blood. She looked pale, and weak, was she bleeding... I looked at her with a concern and worry. 

My head wandered to my pocket, my phone just peeking out of it, I did a mental sigh. I moved my hand to my pocket dialling  '000' (or '911' if you live in America), my heart ached with every minute of this agony I had caused for her. 

The operator picked up..

"Hello what's seems to be the emergency?" The feminine voice asked

"My friend has knocked the side of her head, and a giant gash appeared" I paused letting the words sync into her brain.

"I see, please tell me the address and I will send the next available ambulance" She asked calmly as I muttered the address of the street.

Within the next 5-10 minutes the sound of sirens filled the air, I looked at her as I quickly walked outside guiding them towards the house. My ears pricked up as the sound of rummaging filled them, my pace quickened up the stair with a low growl erupting  from my chest. I opened the door my heart beating faster than ever before.


He left the room, I breathes a slight sigh of relief; I was going to get help even if it was from 'him'. I sat up focusing on the different types of soaps and shampoos I had, It was funny to thing how I didn't use of the stuff that was in that pile. 

"Indiana" It spoke in a soft gentle voice, that gave me a tingly feeling in my hands; it was unfamiliar to me  and I could not recognize where it was coming from. My heart skipped a beat thing of what it could be, I had witnessed enough traumatic events to haunt me for the rest of my days... Yet it continued often becoming louder within my thoughts.   

It's voice started to annoy me, that high pitched talking was really starting to get to my head; I massaged my forehead a shadow appearing before. This was all a figure of my imagination, I had just lost to much blood it wasn't real. Or was it? 

Just being cautious I tried to stand up knocking over a couple of shampoo bottles, the large footsteps caused the somewhat 'shadow' to become more life-like. A face started to mould it's self out of the blackness, limbs starting to form as it took the shape of a sort of female looking person; suddenly he burst through the door growling. 

The shadow glared at him, snarling, he moved forward causing it the vanish into thin air... I stood there shocked, blinking my eyes furiously. "I have a c-cold" The young man said giving a fake cough, a man walked towards me, I looked at his uniform; it was the paramedics. 


Don't even know what I was going for but here is my chapter.

Judge me all you want.

- Sage 

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