Crimson Letters

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"Gah!" Alfred shot up from his pillow, his face numb from the cold. Upon further inspection he realized he had been crying. "Not again" he sighed as he glanced over to his clock.


For the past three weeks every night at 3:00am, Alfred had awoken with tears streaming down his face. A reoccurring dream that seemed all too real was the cause for his unrest. He sat there quietly for a few moments, staring a hole into his wall.

"Why do I keep having that dream?" he thought as he rubbed the back of his neck. He reached over to his dresser, grabbing his glasses that a somehow shifted positions since he last placed them there. After resting them comfortably on his face, he neatly pushed the silky covers aside, and rose from his bed. Dried up tears irritated his face, so he decided to wander over to his bathroom to wash them away, hoping the sudden burst of water would help settle his uneasy mind.

Once he arrived at the bathroom door, he noticed a light shining through the crack near the wooden floor. While the average homeowner would find a stray light left on to be normal, Alfred found it rather ominous. Every night he made sure every door was good and shut and that every light was turned off before drifting off to sleep, and he was certain he had done this routine that same evening.

As he slowly pushed the door open, Alfred stopped dead in his tracks when he noticed something written on the bathroom mirror in crimson letters.

February 13th

Alfred stood there in shock as he stared at the bleeding letters. "What the hell." he said as his mind began to race. After a few moments of disbelief, he rushed out of the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

He raced back to his bedroom, his sock covered feet sliding against the polished wood floor as he scooted to a stop. While he didn't believe in ghosts and that none sense, this was a different kind of paranormal activity that seemed all too real. He had to assure himself that last night really was just a dream.

A calendar would be his savior, and luckily for him he owned several. He just wasn't sure where they were at. In frantic desperation, he flung open every drawer and cabinet in sight, spilling every article inside onto the clean floor.

After successfully digging through years worth of junk he finally found it. He quickly flipped to February running his fingers across the weeks until he hit the current date.

Friday, February the 13th.

Dropping the calander to the floor, Alfred realized the horrendous truth. He closed his eyes as he aggressively tugged at his hair. "No, it can't be..." he shouted as he paced back and forth, "it was just a stupid dre-" before he could finish his thought, he was immediately interrupted by an all too familiar voice.

"Oh but it wasn't."

Alfred's eyes shot open as he frantically searched the room for the owner of the voice. A menacing laugh filled the air. "The time has come hero. Don't bother trying to fight it."

Alfred continued to search, but was still unsuccessful. He slowly backed himself into a corner as his mind raced with fear. "Who are you, and what do you want from me?" he demanded as he still continued to scan the room for a trace of anything.

The voice chuckled, "You mean you don't remember? Wow. How could you possibly forget?" A swift breeze blew through the room, causing Alfred's hair to brush against his face.

A door slammed open in the distance, followed by an even stronger gust of wind. "If you really don't remember, go back to the bathroom." Alfred hesitantly took a few steps away from the door frame, not wanting to go anywhere near the bathroom.

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