Chapter 24

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This situation is prior to Ryan's death.

Drake's P.O.V - (not edited)

How's that possible? Amanda is alive ? I'm so happy. I've to somehow get Amanda out of this place.
Only Ryan can help me to do that.
I'm happy that boss is shifting to a new place and therefore everyone is busy. This is a golden opportunity for me to save Amanda and Julie.

1 hour before

I was passing through Ryan's room when I heard him talking.
I opened the door.

"Thank God it's you Drake!" He said feeling revealed.

"Whom are you talking to ?" I asked.

"Why didn't you come before? I was waiting for you to come. We need to get out of here !" He said.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't come. He sent me out of town for few days. " I replied frankly.

"Drake?" Someone called my name. The voice was familiar.

"Who was that?" I asked.

He just showed me a hole and then I saw someone.
Someone whom I wanted to see so badly. Someone whom I wanted to be with.

I stood there. I was frozen.

"Drake?" She said again tears brimming her eyes.

"Amanda?" I said. I was feeling so happy to see her there. It felt like I was seeing some dream.

"Yes Drake, I'm alive" she said.

"Yes Drake, she's alive. Boss doesn't know that we talk with each other. I wanted to tell you the truth so badly. But I couldn't" Ryan said explaining.

"It's okay buddy." I said .

I went near the hole. Though it wasn't that big but enough big to see each others' face.

I went near and kissed her. She instantly kissed me back. Though it wasn't a comfortable kiss but something which I was missing since years.
Oh! I missed her so much. Her lips, her breathe, her scent. Her.
I loved her so much. I wonder how was she alive but I didn't care for that moment. I had her.

Our kiss was interrupted by a call.

"I've to take this!" I Said and went outside.

It hardly took two minutes. As soon as I finished the call and was about enter when I saw boss entering Ryan's room.

I hid there. He didn't know I returned. I was about to meet him when I saw Amanda alive so I forgot to inform him.

I slowly went near to hear his conversation.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" He shouted.

May be he came to know about the truth.

I slowly peeked in.

They were hitting Ryan mercilessly. I wanted to save him but it wasn't the right time.

"I didn't expect this from you, Amanda!" Boss yelled at her.

"Please leave him uncle!" She pleaded.

Oh! My love , I so wished I could have helped you.

I clenched my fist.

"Guards! Take him along and follow me!" He said.

I ran and hid behind the wall so that he doesn't see me.

Then slowly I followed him , he was moving towards Julie's room.

He first pushed Ryan inside and then He went inside and I was slowly peeping from outside.

I saw him torturing her as always. I really felt sorry for her. It's not her mistake.

Then I saw him shooting Ryan.
I froze there. He can't die. I can't let him die.

And then once again I went to hide behind the statute now.

They all stormed out. One guard picking up Julie. She was unconscious. I heard boss saying to one of his guards to depart immediately.
It was good for me now.

When all went outside, I slowly went inside where Ryan was lying.

"Ryan! Wake up!" I started shaking him. He didn't move.

"No! You can't die. Ryan!!" I placed my hands on his chest, over his heart and started applying pressure and gave air through the mouth.

"Come on buddy! Wake up!!" I said.

And suddenly he coughed and took a deep breathe.

"Ryan! Thank God! Come let's repair you." I say and slowly took him to my room.


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