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''There will come a time when  just a random stanger in the crowd, will stand up for another one; that is all it will take for hope to spread and for other stangers to stand up as well''


All my life had been about labels; labels about others and labels about me. I always had the urge to categorize people so I could know what to expect from them. What was wrong with that?

The wrong with labels, I would find out later in life, begins when society praise the minority of their children because they happen to be straight, blond or skinny. I learned that the hard way; I learned that the label itself isn't the cause of discrimination but how society views it.

I also have come to decide as stupid or naive as it sounds that not all people are bad, they just behave like they are supposed to. A skinny blonde may act like a selfish queen-B, a jock may bully a nerd, the nerd may be weak and people would do nothing about it. It's just a circle of society's expected attitudes of one category towards the other; the dominant group always overpowers the weak one even if the weak one is the majority of the people.

And in this kind of society I am a danger to the well-designed monarchy system because I don't want to be categorized. I want to be neither the ''gay dude'' nor the ''nerdy girl''. I want to be me and sometimes I am the only one.

But other times...I'm not.

The way I see things, we all live for the moment when we will meet people like us. And let's just say I met them. And in this story when people like me, people with the same ideas different they might be  meet then amazing things start to happen.

In which a bunch of label breakers do what they know to do best, they break labels.

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