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''Better to fight for something than to live for nothing''

Kill them with kindness.

That is what Achilleas' mother told him when he was six, after an older and bulkier boy beat him up. That day he decided that he was above of all those who use fists as a way of communication and hurtful words as a way of understanding. His mum's theory and way of life became his own and he killed everyone with kindness.

Until they killed his mother; until they took her away. He can't remember anything except for the fact that he was eleven. A policeman came to their house and announced the bad news. That was when the word kindness became something strange to him. He showed no one kindness because no one showed that to his mother who was kind. He began to believe that kind people just don't get kindness.

So, when the Bad-Boy,the Don't-Care-About-Anything-Type labels was given to him he didn't resist, he swallowed them up and he did not say a word.

It's funny how his name means Hero Of the Greeks in Greek and he doesn't feel a hero at all. Because a hero and a fighter are two different things. A fighter hurts everyone, themselves the most while a hero saves the day. Achilleas was everything but a hero.

If you told him a few days ago that there was a slight chance he would feel like one  he would laugh in your face, probably punch you. But that was a few days ago and as his mother also used to tell him, people change even in a few seconds.

The only time he felt like he could do something about everything was when he stood up for that kid, Percy. He was just so tired, so sick of everyone picking on him and bullying him just because he dared to do what he loved proudly.

They first time he saw him was on his first day of school. Until then he didn't belive in God or angels but when he saw the beautiful paleness of his face, the stormy blue eyes and the white halo on his head he wasn't so sure anymore. And when he stood up for that angel he suddenly felt as if his other sins didn't matter.

Of course he hadn't spoken to him before that day. He wasn't allowed to, his reputation didn't permit him to be friends with that cute boy because Bad Boys aren't gay. Of course they aren't.

But now, after that accident, after landing himself on detention once more this semester suddenly the great Bad Boy reputation didn't seem that great anymore.


As he walked out of detention he felt many pair of eyes staring at him. So he decided to stare back, scaring anyone who dared to lay eyes on him even for a few seconds. Achilleas smirked with satisfaction as he saw the terrified looks on his fellow classmate's faces.

He headed toward the back side of the school, where no one usually went and he could smoke alone enjoying the peace and quiet of loneliness. He was lonesome and couldn't help it sometimes.

''Achilleas!'' he heard a voice behind him ''Thank God you are here. I thought you left''

He turned around and locked gazes with the angel boy or the so called Percy. He had a black eye but that didn't make him less cute.

''What do you want?'' he asked sarply trying to make his voice sound even scarier.

''Come on you can drop the act'' Percy laughed.

He kept looking into his eyes and was confused because Percy didn't look away scared of him like everyone else did. Instead of replying he just stood there watching the angel boy, taking in every inch of his characteristics.

Grip, Achilleas. You should get one. he thought and pulled his hoodie up.

''What act?''

''The one you have for the public'' replied Percy ''The one your label requires you to have. But because I have not one of those you can put you guards down around me. Anyway, I came here to say thank you. It meant a lot to me what you did back there''

''I didn't do it for you''

''I thought I told you to drop the fucking act''

''The fuck did you say''he walked right up to him and pinned him on the wall ''You don't talk to me like that. That's why shitbags like Connor beat you up. You don't talk like that to people like me''

''Then what's the fun in being a loser?'' Percy said with a smirk on his face and Achilleas just looked at him amused.

Percy had something other people like him didn't.


''I have to leave now. Thank you again. I owe you one'' he said and Achilleas freed him from his grip.

He watched him leave, his blonde-white halo disappearing into the horizon and he thought that maybe just maybe, today was a good day.

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