Chapter One

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I sat in my seat in the last row of detention listening to Ms. Rhynes draw on about the importance of behaving. I zoned out after 2 seconds of listening to her high squeaky voice drawling on about the same thing over and over again. 

As I chewed on my mystery flavoured stride gum, I glanced around the classroom to see how everyone else was doing with this boring lecture.

Sure enough the six other people who were sitting in class were either doing the following three things; Eating, texting, or drowning the classroom full of light snores.

I rolled my eyes, and looked back up to the front of the classroom where Ms. Rhynes stood trying to wake up the kid in the front row, who stupidly decided it was time to drool an ocean on his desk. 

She kept on poking her long finger in his arm, but he didn't budge. 

Deciding to save this unknown boys ass, I quickly cleared my throat as I stood up from my seat in the back of the classroom. 

The whole class turned around in their seats and looked up at me expectantly. 

I tugged on the tight red skirt I wore and looked at Ms. Rhynes innocently. 

"Um... Sorry miss. I have to go to a doctors appointment today with my mom," I lied. I pulled my phone out my purse and showed her the fake text message that read "Please excuse Chloe. She has a doctors appointment today and I'm coming to pick her up'.

 I always did this, changed Abbey's name in my contact list to my mom's, so I could be excused early from detention. It works every single time.

Abbey was my best girl friend. Actually my only girl friend that I had. Girls were too bitchy and just caused too much drama, so I didn't pay attention to any of them, even if they begged at my knees to be part of what they called my 'clique'.

Now your probably wondering 'who is this girl?'  Well, let me introduce myself. I am Chloe Evans. And I'm that rude, bitchy, slutty... you get the point. But I'm that really popular girl in your school who all the guys want, and all the girls either envy, or worship.

Yup, that's me.

But the thing was, how everybody knew me was the fake me. It wasn't the real me. There are only 3 people who truly know me; Abbey, Mom, and Tristan. 

But the thing was...Tristan knew all of the real me. He knew me. My mom and Abbey knew me, mixed in with with a bit of the fake rude one. 

The only reason I have 2 sides to me is because... lets just say boys like to 'play',around too much. I'd give in to a guy, and when I finally thought it was going to work out, they just trampled me and left me there, in the ditch. 

So every time I was left in that ditch, my fake self got even bitchier and bitchier.

And it was all cause of boys.

The only guy I can trust in my life is Tristan Jacob Greene.

"Alright miss, but remember your behavior this week was unacceptable, and the other teachers and I are expecting better from you Ms. Evans," Ms. Rhynes said, as she looked at me pointedly. I bit on my lower lip trying to play that innocent girl who by mistake got in this hell hole.

"Alright Ms. Rhynes," I said as I flashed my million dollar smile. I looked down at everyone else who was sitting in the room, and I wasn't even surprised to find that they were all gaping at me.

I walked to the front of the classroom and turned to my right where the door was located. Before I left I quickly muttered a goodnight to Ms. Rhynes and turned to the right to go down the stairs and meet Abbey in the parking lot. Before I did that though, I quickly ran into the ladies' room and grabbed my makeup bag in my purse.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2013 ⏰

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